I’m Doug Apple...and my heart is on fire. (Luke 24:32)
“What do you think about those little Christian fishes people put on their cars?”
I like ‘em.
“Why? Who cares?”
Well, here’s why, and I can sum it all up in one word: acknowledge.
Acknowledge basically means to accept something and to announce it.
I can accept that my wife is a better ping pong player, but if I never announce it, then I’ve never acknowledged it.
So this is why I like Christian fishes, and Christian bumper stickers and Christian t-shirts and a host of other Christian things that some people mock and scorn and disdain.
I like them because they are a simple way to acknowledge God.
When a Christian athlete points upwards in a reverent “thank You,” he is acknowledging God.
When a Christian press secretary stands on the podium very purposefully wearing a gold cross necklace, she is acknowledging God.
When I go to the gym wearing my “Lean and Clean for the King” t-shirt, I am acknowledging God.
Proverbs 3:6 says, “In all thy ways acknowledge Him…”
I’ve been studying through Hosea in the NIV and the word acknowledge shows up in some powerful ways, mostly prophetic proclamations that God’s people are refusing to acknowledge Him.
Hosea 2:8 says that they did not acknowledge that God is the one who gave them their grain and new wine and oil, and in fact they used those very items to worship the false god Baal instead.
Hosea 5:4 says, “A spirit of prostitution is in their heart: they do not acknowledge the Lord.”
In Luke 12:8 Jesus said, “Whoever publicly acknowledges Me before others, the Son of Man will also acknowledge before the angels of God.”
In both John 9 and John 14 we are told about people who actually believed that Jesus was the Messiah, but because they didn’t want to be persecuted, they refused to acknowledge Jesus.
The Bible says that one day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess, or acknowledge, that Jesus Christ is Lord.
Why wait until then? I want to acknowledge it now.
I want to acknowledge God in all my ways, and then He will direct my paths.
I’ll do it in big ways, like right now, on the radio.
And I’ll do it in small ways, like making my own phone case with something about God on it.
So yes, I’m all about these little Christian items, no matter what anyone else thinks of them, because I’m thinking of them from this one angle.
It’s one very simple way for us to acknowledge God.
May God bless you today.
I’m Doug Apple.