Monday, March 01, 2010

Take My Life, a Living Sacrifice - Apples of Gold - March 1, 2010 -vi-

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Apples of Gold

Radio Script for March 1, 2010

“Take My Life, a Living Sacrifice”


Hello, I’m Doug Apple…with Apples of Gold.

(Open with actual line from the song…)

“Take my life, a living sacrifice.”

That’s a song from the 80’s by Chris Christian.

It’s taken from a Bible verse I memorized during a discipleship class, Romans 12:1, which tells us to offer our bodies as living sacrifices to God.

That verse has motivated many people to give it all up for God, to sacrifice their own desires, plans and pleasures.  It has spurred many people into full-time ministry, to become pastors and missionaries. 

A verse like that is a game-changer.  It leads you to no longer live for yourself, but to live for the Lord.

Jesus said in Matthew 16:24, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.”  That is a great picture of a living sacrifice. 

What have you done to deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Jesus?  What have you done to offer your body to God as a living sacrifice?

Many people have become martyrs in Jesus’ name because of that verse.  People have sacrificed lucrative incomes in order to fully follow Jesus. 

Paul said, “I die daily.”  He didn’t really die, of course, but he put himself in harm’s way for the sake of the Lord and His people.  He sacrificed himself daily for the Lord.

What are you doing to answer the call to be a living sacrifice?

You can start by singing along with Chris Christian, “Take my life, a living sacrifice.”

(play actual line from the song)

The problem with a living sacrifice is that it keeps crawling off the altar!

That’s one reason I like that song.  It’s a way of continuously putting yourself back on the altar as a living sacrifice.

I heard some people talking the other day about moving to the country and getting out of the city.  They discussed all their preferences, their likes and dislikes – and then came my wild-eyed opinion.

And this is what I say about all of life’s big decisions, such as where you live.  You need to find out where God wants you to go.

Now I realize that God gives us free will.  And I realize He isn’t exactly dropping sticky notes with our next address.  Nevertheless, we should sacrifice that decision to Him.

It’s a total surrender.  It’s saying, “Lord, not my will but Your will be done.”  It’s saying, “Take my life, a living sacrifice.”

That’s a prayer you can pray everyday.  “Lord, here I am, a living sacrifice for You.  I want to go where You want me to go, do what You want me to do, and say what You want me to say.”

We should offer our profession up as a living sacrifice.  First Corinthians
10:31 says “…whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”  Colossians 3:17 says whatever you do, in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus.

Doing everything in Jesus’ name and for the glory of God – that is being a living sacrifice.

First Peter 2:5 talks about offering spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable to God.

Of course, the Old Testament is full of sacrifices – real animal sacrifices – but those have been done away with.  There is no longer a need for such sacrifices because as it says in Hebrews 9, Jesus was the final sacrifice for sin.

And now, as God’s people, we are called to offer our bodies as living sacrifices. 

What does that look like?

Hebrews 13:16 tells us to do good and to share with others, “for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”

Verse 15 says, “…let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise – the fruit of lips that confess His name.”

First Peter 2:11 tells us to “abstain from sinful desires” which war against our soul.

When we offer ourselves as living sacrifices, we steer our bodies away from sinful desires and toward doing good and praising God.

And if we do sin, David describes our sacrifice in Psalm 51.  He said, “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, You will not despise.”

So maybe you have stumbled, maybe you have fallen.  Maybe you have taken control of your life, living for yourself and your own desires.

Well today is a good day to re-offer yourself to God.  This is a good time to put your body back up on that altar.

And you can do that while saying along with Chris Christian, “Take my life, a living sacrifice.”

(close with actual line from the song)

© 2010 The Arrow’s Tip 
 To subscribe to your own daily “Apples of Gold” e-mail, write
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(Proverbs 25:11 – “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.”)

Why “The Arrow’s Tip”?  Each morning, after diligently seeking the Lord, I write Apples of Gold.  Then before I release it to the public I pray one final prayer, “Lord, send forth your arrows.”  I envision Apples of Gold as arrows, tips dipped in the river of the water of life that flows from the throne of God (Rev. 22:1), sailing toward the hearts and minds of men and women around the world.

Doug Apple
General Manager - Wave 94
Christian Radio for
PO Box 4105
Tallahassee, FL  32315
(850) 926-8000


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Are You Toying With Temptation? - Apples of Gold - February 25, 2010 -vi-

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Apples of Gold

Radio Script for February 25, 2010

“Are You Toying With Temptation?”


Hello, I’m Doug Apple…with Apples of Gold.

Are you sitting there, wrestling with sin?

Is it a battle you feel likely to lose?

You know it’s not good, it’s not right.  You even know the outcome won’t be all that pleasing.

And yet there you are, fully tempted, and toying with just doing it.

Now let me tell you what is going on in the spiritual realm.

And it’s such good news, I can’t wait to tell you!

The Holy Spirit is interceding for you!

He is crying out on your behalf.  You are not alone in your moment of temptation.   

Romans 8:26 says, “…the Spirit Himself intercedes for us…”

Verse 27 says, “…the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.”

And I have more exciting news.

Jesus Christ is also interceding for you!

That’s what it says in Romans 8:34. 

Do you think Jesus is sitting up there, watching your temptation with His eyes squinted and His arms folded, just waiting for you to do your next stupid thing, rolling His eyes and saying, “There he goes again”?

Oh my friend, not at all!  Check out Romans 8:34.  “…Christ Jesus, who died – more than that, who was raised to life – is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.”

So as you struggle with temptation, you are not alone!  You have both the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ interceding for you.

Now here’s more good news.  Back to Romans 8:26.  It says, “…the Spirit helps us in our weaknesses.”

If you are facing temptation, and you feel weak, maybe even powerless, you are not alone.  The Spirit is there to help you, and will help you.

Now here is a step you need to take.  If you are sitting there, toying with temptation, here is what you need to do.  It’s quite simple and practical.  You need to derail your mind. 

Your train of thought is barreling down the tracks and is headed for disaster.  You are toying with it.  It is roiling around in your mind. 

You need to derail that train!  Stop that line of thinking. 

Romans 13:14 says, “…do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature.” 

Don’t even think about it!  If you sit there and stew on it, it’s going to get the best of you.  You need to mentally get out of there!  Don’t even think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature.

Now here’s another big step you need to take.  Most temptations do not come alone.  They usually involve people, so listen.  Anyone who doesn’t want what is best and Godly and holy for you – anyone who is part of your temptation – derail them out of your life.

Think of two semis, trucking side by side down the highway.  Now picture one semi taking a quick exit.  They are out of there, off your highway.  You keep going, and they don’t.  They are no longer part of your life. 

That is what needs to happen to anyone who is part of your temptation.  You need to get them out of there.  You need to part ways. 

Second Corinthians 6 talks about being unequally yoked.  It says, for what do righteousness and wickedness have in common?  What fellowship can light have with darkness?  What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols?  For we are the temple of the living God.  Therefore come out from them and be separate, says the Lord.  Let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit.

So think of anyone who is part of your temptation.  Then think of how you can get away from them and their negative influence.

And finally, when you are being tempted, you need to get up and move in another direction.  You can’t just boot the temptation from your mind, then do nothing.  If you do that, the temptation will slip right back in and you will start toying with it again.

You need to move off in another direction.  You need to fill your mind and your time with something else, and here it is.  Galatians 5:13 says to “serve one another in love.”

So think of how you can do good for someone, to serve them in a pure, God-pleasing way.

Now don’t start thinking of how you can serve those who are part of your temptation!  They need to go, but don’t worry.  There are still plenty of people to serve, like your family members or your neighbors and your fellow church members. 

So there you go, some simple steps to deal with temptation. 

Now here’s a recap.  If you are toying with temptation, remember that you are not alone.  Both the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ are interceding for you.  Plus, the Spirit is helping you in your weaknesses.

Now you need to derail your mind, to stop thinking in any way about how you might give in to that temptation.

And you need to move away from any people who are involved in the temptation.

And finally, you need to replace all that mess with something good and Godly, and that’s the idea of serving one another in love. 

So there you go.  Some action to take instead of just sitting there, toying with temptation.


E-mail me:

May God bless you today!  With Apples of Gold…I’m Doug Apple.

Another thing to think about – telling someone about your temptation, a wise Christian person.  It really takes the shine off of a temptation when you expose it like that. 

© 2010 The Arrow’s Tip 
 To subscribe to your own daily “Apples of Gold” e-mail, write
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If you want to catch “Apples of Gold” in its original audio format, go to
To search through the large archive of past articles, go here:
If you have trouble reaching me at my main e-mail address, try this one:

(Proverbs 25:11 – “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.”)

Why “The Arrow’s Tip”?  Each morning, after diligently seeking the Lord, I write Apples of Gold.  Then before I release it to the public I pray one final prayer, “Lord, send forth your arrows.”  I envision Apples of Gold as arrows, tips dipped in the river of the water of life that flows from the throne of God (Rev. 22:1), sailing toward the hearts and minds of men and women around the world.

Doug Apple
General Manager - Wave 94
Christian Radio for
PO Box 4105
Tallahassee, FL  32315
(850) 926-8000


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Close the Loop - Apples of Gold - February 24, 2010 -vi-

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Apples of Gold

Radio Script for February 24, 2010

“Close the Loop


Hello, I’m Doug Apple…with Apples of Gold.

“Did you call her?”

“No, but the books are being sent to her.”

“Well call her!”


That was my e-mail conversation with my daughter yesterday.  A woman called me to order books from our ministry, and I turned it over to my daughter who takes care of such things.  I told her to find out about the books, and to call the woman and let her know.

My daughter was very diligent and quick about getting the books sent to her, and after all, that’s what the woman wanted, right?  She wanted the books, and she’s going to get the books.

But I wanted one more thing.  I wanted my daughter to “close the loop.”

What does that mean, close the loop? 

It means to close the information loop.  See, my daughter and I both knew that the woman was going to get the books, but the woman didn’t know.  Yes, she was going to get the books, but she also needed to know she was going to get the books.  Otherwise she is left hanging, wondering what happened, wondering if she needs to call back.  So to make her as comfortable as possible, we close the loop by contacting her and telling her exactly what is going on.

This is a wise business principle, but it works in all relationships, at home, at church, wherever.

When I send my wife a simple text message, she will text back, “Okay.”  That closes the loop.

Yesterday I called a man’s cell phone and left him a message.  It did not require a call back, but he called back anyway, just to let me know that he got the message.  See how that closes the loop?  Now I don’t have to wonder if he got the message.

Stuart Levine wrote a book called “Cut to the Chase: and 99 Other Rules to Liberate Yourself and Gain Back the Gift of Time.”  And one of his 100 rules is Close the Loop.

When we don’t close the loop, people are left hanging.  Levine says it’s not only distracting, but it subtly erodes relationships.  But when we consistently close the loop, we build a reputation as a dependable professional.

Yesterday my oldest daughter was scheduled to pick up her new mattress at a department store.  I said I would help, and told her to find out the hours for pickup.  She called the store twice, left messages, and never heard back. 

Now remember, she already paid for the mattress, and yesterday was the day they told her to come pick it up.

She finally called a third time and talked to a real human being who told her, “Oh, there is no one working the dock today, and you can’t pick up anything without a dock worker.” 

Not only were we left hanging, but we had scheduled our day around this department store, only to find out we couldn’t pick up the mattress at all on the very day they chose.  That is a severe example of not closing the loop.

“How did we ever win the war?”  That’s what one old man used to say every time something like this happened.  He was a veteran himself, and whenever he ran into unprofessional conduct he would say the same thing, “How did we ever win the war?” referring to World War II.

To close the loop means to keep the information flowing, keep people informed.  That includes things like progress reports.  Let people know where you are in the process.

If you say, “Hey, I’ll get with you this week about that,” and now it’s Wednesday, contact them and let them know you still plan to get with them.  Otherwise they are left wondering, “Gee, is he going to get with me or not?”

This is an odd time we live in, because it’s never been so easy to contact people, and yet people are left hanging all the time.

Imagine dropping your car off to get new tires at the super department store.  Then you wonder around the store, do some shopping, then come back when your tires are supposed to be done.  Oh, guess what?  They didn’t do anything because they didn’t have that exact tire in stock.    

What?  I was in your store.  You asked for my cell number.  You could have used the store intercom.  For that matter you could have walked down the aisle and found me.  But instead you just waited?

Again, another severe case of not closing the loop – of keeping information to yourself which leaves other people hanging.

Even something as simple as thank you notes closes the loop.  People should never have to wonder, “Gee, did they get the gift I sent?”

We have cell phones and text messaging, e-mail and Facebook.  It’s never been easier to contact people, and it’s important that we do.

Jesus told us to love our neighbor, and closing the loop does this.  It relieves people of anxiety and concern, doubt and confusion.  It moves them out of the fog of the unknown and into the light of being fully informed.

It’s professional, it’s good business, and it’s just the plain old good Christian thing to do.

So think how you can apply this principle to your life today, this very easy and effective principle of simply closing the loop.


E-mail me:

May God bless you today!  With Apples of Gold…I’m Doug Apple.

© 2010 The Arrow’s Tip 
 To subscribe to your own daily “Apples of Gold” e-mail, write
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If you want to catch “Apples of Gold” in its original audio format, go to
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If you have trouble reaching me at my main e-mail address, try this one:

(Proverbs 25:11 – “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.”)

Why “The Arrow’s Tip”?  Each morning, after diligently seeking the Lord, I write Apples of Gold.  Then before I release it to the public I pray one final prayer, “Lord, send forth your arrows.”  I envision Apples of Gold as arrows, tips dipped in the river of the water of life that flows from the throne of God (Rev. 22:1), sailing toward the hearts and minds of men and women around the world.

Doug Apple
General Manager - Wave 94
Christian Radio for
PO Box 4105
Tallahassee, FL  32315
(850) 926-8000


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Please the Lord with a Pack of Gum - Apples of Gold - February 23, 2010 -vi-

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Apples of Gold

Radio Script for February 23, 2010

“Please the Lord with a Pack of Gum”


Hello, I’m Doug Apple…with Apples of Gold.

“So we make it our goal to please Him…”

That’s what it says in Second Corinthians 5:9.

We make it our goal to please God.  Is that your goal today?

What does that even mean?  What could we do today that would actually please God?

Okay, let’s find out what pleases God, according to the Bible.

Here’s something so simple even a caveman can do it.  I’m talking about sharing.

13:16 says that God is pleased when we share. 

So when you pull out that pack of gum and offer a stick to your neighbor – God is pleased. 

So just think of all the ways you can please God today!  It’s as simple as sharing.  We take what we have, and instead of hoarding it or selling it, we share it.

Whenever you take something of value and give it away, that is sharing; and sharing pleases God.

Hebrews 13:16 tells us something else that pleases God – doing good.  If you want to please God today, just think of something good to do, then do it!

Now here’s something else that pleases God, but it’s a little more heavy, a little more time consuming.  In fact, sometimes it may feel all-consuming.  I’m talking about caring for your family.

First Timothy 5:4 says that caring for your family is pleasing to God.

So Mom, have you ever felt less-than-spiritual because you spent your time cleaning bathrooms and making meals?  At the end of the day have you ever felt guilty for not doing much that could be called “religious”?  Maybe you even feel God’s displeasure looming over you.

Well listen.  The Bible says that God is pleased when we care for our families.  In fact, He is displeased when we don’t.  So if you want to please God today, one way is to simply care for the members of your family.

Now here is something specifically for children.  A huge way you can please the Lord is by obeying your parents.

Colossians 3:20 says, “Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing to the Lord.”

Now what about spiritual things?

Yes, of course there are spiritual activities that please the Lord. 

Taking time to communicate with Him is a big one.  First Timothy 2:3 says, “This is good, and pleases God our Savior.”

One form of communication that pleases God is thanksgiving.  He is pleased when say to Him, “Thank You.” 

Thanksgiving to God is something that should be free-flowing from our lips.  We should be thanking Him all the time.  If you want to please God today, pause and thank Him for something.

Another form of communication with God that pleases Him is when we intercede for people.  Intercede means we stand between God and that person.  We sort of “make their case” before the Lord, we plead on their behalf.  It pleases God when we intercede for people, including everyone from our children and our friends all the way to government leaders and strangers on the other side of the world.  God is pleased with prayers of intercession.

And you know what?  Even requesting things of God pleases Him. 

Philippians 4:6 says, “…let your requests be made known unto God…”

Requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving – these are pleasing to God our Savior.

Yes, there are many other things that please God, but these are a few that the Bible specifically mentions.

So here is a little recap.

God is pleased when we share.

He’s pleased when we do good.

He is pleased when we care for our family.

He is “well pleased” when children obey their parents.

And God is pleased when we communicate with Him with requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving.

So there you go.  Some simple answers to the potentially daunting question, “How can I please the Lord today?”


E-mail me:

May God bless you today!  With Apples of Gold…I’m Doug Apple.

© 2010 The Arrow’s Tip 
 To subscribe to your own daily “Apples of Gold” e-mail, write
If you want to be removed from this e-mail list, simply click reply and type UNSUBSCRIBE on the subject line.
If you want to catch “Apples of Gold” in its original audio format, go to
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If you have trouble reaching me at my main e-mail address, try this one:

(Proverbs 25:11 – “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.”)

Why “The Arrow’s Tip”?  Each morning, after diligently seeking the Lord, I write Apples of Gold.  Then before I release it to the public I pray one final prayer, “Lord, send forth your arrows.”  I envision Apples of Gold as arrows, tips dipped in the river of the water of life that flows from the throne of God (Rev. 22:1), sailing toward the hearts and minds of men and women around the world.

Doug Apple
General Manager - Wave 94
Christian Radio for
PO Box 4105
Tallahassee, FL  32315
(850) 926-8000


Monday, February 22, 2010

My Favorite Bible Study Tools - Apples of Gold - February 22, 2010 -vi-

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Apples of Gold

Radio Script for February 22, 2010

“My Favorite Bible Study Tools”


Hello, I’m Doug Apple…with Apples of Gold.

My wife didn’t get baptized just because someone told her to.

She studied the subject for herself in the Bible, then concluded that she would be baptized.

Back then, researching a subject in the Bible was a bit more challenging; but today, with computers and software and websites, it’s never been easier to dig into the Word of God.

So now I want to share with you three of my favorite Bible study tools; but first, let me explain my Bible study technique and where it came from.

As a young man, when I first started digging into the Scriptures, I used the Bible someone gave me – a Thompson Chain Reference NIV Bible.  That’s what was given to me, so that’s what I studied.

In time I became a Sunday school teacher, so there I was, teaching out of my NIV Bible.  But next thing you know, I ran into class members saying, “Wait a minute, that’s not what my Bible says.”

So right there I ran into a challenge.  How do you teach a class when people are using different Bible translations?

Now I know what some of you are thinking, “Well that’s easy Doug.  There is obviously one version that is precisely God’s word and the rest aren’t.”

Well I studied that line of reasoning and I was not convinced.  We have Bible translators all over the world working diligently to translate the Word of God so people can understand it in their own language, including English.  And in that translation process they end up using a different word here and there. 

Well now what?  Yes, one option is to pick a version and live and die by it.  But for whatever reason, I just can’t put all my faith in one group of translators.  I want to know what the other translators are saying.

Now go back to my early days as a Sunday school teacher.  My first problem was teaching something out of the NIV, then having a student say, “Well my King James Bible says something different.”  So I began studying out of both the NIV and the King James. 

And now listen.  This is a key point about the way I teach.  I decided that if they both didn’t say the same thing, then I would move on from that verse. 

Now I certainly don’t recommend that for everyone.  Some people need to dig deep into the languages.  Some people need to search out every little thing.

But that is not my calling.  It’s not my interest.  I am looking for the big, clear, concise truths.  And I know that I’ve found a big, clear, concise truth when all the versions agree – and when it’s found multiple times in the Bible.

If I find something only one time, in only one version of the Bible, I’m not going to turn that into a cornerstone of my faith.

Are you still with me?

So that brings me to my three favorite Bible study tools.  These are what I use far and away the most when it comes to studying the Bible, and two of them are found on this website:

At Bible Gateway, on the left side of the home page you will see a link that says, “Keyword Search.”  I love the keyword search!

You can search for one word or multiple words or even exact phrases.  Now I realize that’s not unusual, and anyone who uses Google knows about doing searches.

But here’s what I love about the Bible Gateway keyword search.  It will allow you to search in up to five different Bible versions at the same time.  So if I search a word or phrase, and it shows up in all five versions, then to me, that’s a winner.  But if it doesn’t, then I check it out and proceed with caution.  And if the versions seem to be quite different, then that is not a verse I’m going to hang my hat on, so to speak.  I’m not going to build a major teaching on a passage that the translators don’t agree on.

No, I’m not downplaying the importance of that verse in any way, don’t get me wrong.  I’m only telling you how I study the Bible as I look for big, clear, concise truths.  Remember, I’m not teaching at a seminary.  I’m not training the next generation of Bible translators.  My calling is to search the Scriptures and teach the major truths for the common man in such a way that he gets it.

So the keyword search on Bible – that is a Bible study tool that I use constantly.

Another tool they offer is called “Passage Lookup.”  Here you can simply enter a Bible verse, such as John 3:16.  And again you can pick up to five versions.  So I might line up a chapter of the Bible in five different versions and read through them all.  And if they all say the same thing, then I feel like I’m on solid ground.

And one more tool I use a lot is found at another website, called

When you look at a verse on that site, to the left there is a little link with the letter “C” on it.  That C stands for “concordance and Hebrew/Greek lexicon.”  If you want to dig deep when studying a particular word or phrase in the Bible, just click that little C by the verse at Blue Letter and you will really learn a lot.

So there you go, three online tools that I use extensively when studying the Bible.  Again, they are the keyword search and the passage lookup at Bible, and the Hebrew and Greek lexicon and concordance at Blue Letter

You don’t have to study the Bible exactly the way I do, but you really do need to dig in and study the Word for yourself.

And that’s why I wanted to share these with you today – three of my favorite Bible study tools.


E-mail me:

May God bless you today!  With Apples of Gold…I’m Doug Apple.

© 2010 The Arrow’s Tip 
 To subscribe to your own daily “Apples of Gold” e-mail, write
If you want to be removed from this e-mail list, simply click reply and type UNSUBSCRIBE on the subject line.
If you want to catch “Apples of Gold” in its original audio format, go to
To search through the large archive of past articles, go here:
If you have trouble reaching me at my main e-mail address, try this one:

(Proverbs 25:11 – “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.”)

Why “The Arrow’s Tip”?  Each morning, after diligently seeking the Lord, I write Apples of Gold.  Then before I release it to the public I pray one final prayer, “Lord, send forth your arrows.”  I envision Apples of Gold as arrows, tips dipped in the river of the water of life that flows from the throne of God (Rev. 22:1), sailing toward the hearts and minds of men and women around the world.

Doug Apple
General Manager - Wave 94
Christian Radio for
PO Box 4105
Tallahassee, FL  32315
(850) 926-8000


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Honor to Whom Honor Is Due - Apples of Gold - February 18, 2010 -vi-

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Apples of Gold

Radio Script for February 18, 2010

“Honor to Whom Honor Is Due”


Hello, I’m Doug Apple…with Apples of Gold.

Romans 13:7 tells us to give honor to whom honor is due.

So to whom is honor due?

And what is honor, anyway?

Honor is what you see a lot of times at funerals.  The deceased is shown great respect as their negatives are overlooked and their positives are praised.  We honor the dearly departed.

But while people are alive we don’t tend to honor them very much, at least not in America.  Instead of honoring people, we are much more likely to tear them down, from our neighbor to our boss, from our pastor to our president. 

Giving honor is not a strong suit in America, and yet the Bible says to give honor to whom honor is due.

So to whom is honor due?

At the top of the list is God, of course.  We are to honor God.

And how does the Bible say we are to honor God?

Proverbs 3:9 tells us to honor God with our possessions, and with the firstfruits of our increase.  Think about that the next time they pass the plate at church.  That is a great opportunity to honor God with the firstfruits of your increase.

And we are to honor God with our possessions.  Our possessions should show respect to God, so look around.  Do you possess anything that disrespects God?  If so, then out of honor to God, get rid of it. 

And listen.  If it disrespects God, why would you give it to someone else, or sell it?  If it disrespects God, I say destroy it.  We are to honor God with our possessions.

Another way we honor God is by being kind to those in need.  Proverbs 14:31 says, “…whoever is kind to the needy honors God.”

There are many other ways to honor and show respect to God, but those are the two ways the Bible specifically says here is how you honor God – with your possessions and firstfruits, and by being kind to the needy.

It’s also important to honor Jesus Christ.  He said in John 5:23, “…that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father.  He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father, who sent Him.”

I guess that’s a no-brainer, that we are to honor God.  So, who else are we to honor?

Well here’s a pretty general guideline.  Romans 12:10 says to “honor one another above yourselves.”  So our general attitude in life as a Christian is to honor others above ourselves.

But there are some people we are specifically told to honor, and the people mentioned most are our parents.  Over and over in the Bible you will find this command, “Honor your father and your mother.”

So if you are making a priority list, it should start out like this:  honor God, and honor your parents.

Next we find a group of people worth a special mention because it says they are worthy of “double honor.”  I’m talking about the elders in the church.  First Timothy 5:17 says, “The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching.”

So preachers and teachers and all those elders who do a good job running the church – we are to give them double honor.

Next we come to First Peter 2:17 which says, “honor the king.”  Of course we don’t have a king in America, but I think it’s pretty simple to substitute words like president and governor and mayor and, you get the point.  I think we should honor and show respect to our governing authorities.

And finally here is another general statement of whom to honor.  Psalm 15 says to honor those who fear the Lord.

One thing to keep in mind.  We always honor God above people.  Back in First Samuel 2, old Eli got in serious trouble for breaking that rule.  God rebuked Eli severely when He said, “Why do you honor your sons more than Me?”

Now, one last thing on the subject of honor, and that is how you can receive honor yourself.  It’s tricky, because we aren’t supposed to seek to be honored, but we are to live honorably.  So here is what the Bible says we can do that will result in being honored.

The first one is a byproduct of honoring God.  In First Samuel 2:30 God said, “Those who honor Me I will honor…”

The second one is a byproduct of serving Jesus.  In John 12:26 Jesus said it plainly, “My Father will honor the one who serves Me.”

Psalm 91 says the Lord will honor those who love Him and call upon Him.

The Proverbs repeatedly tell us that when we gain wisdom we will end up with honor.

Other traits that bring honor include faith, love, and righteousness. 

But one thing to keep in mind, as Proverbs 15:33 points out, before honor comes humility.

So there’s a little lesson on honor.

We are to give honor to whom honor is due, and we start by honoring God.

So I’ll close with one of my all time favorite God-honoring Bible verses:  First Timothy 1:17.

“Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honor and glory for ever and ever.  Amen.”


E-mail me:

May God bless you today!  With Apples of Gold…I’m Doug Apple.

© 2010 The Arrow’s Tip 
 To subscribe to your own daily “Apples of Gold” e-mail, write
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(Proverbs 25:11 – “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.”)

Why “The Arrow’s Tip”?  Each morning, after diligently seeking the Lord, I write Apples of Gold.  Then before I release it to the public I pray one final prayer, “Lord, send forth your arrows.”  I envision Apples of Gold as arrows, tips dipped in the river of the water of life that flows from the throne of God (Rev. 22:1), sailing toward the hearts and minds of men and women around the world.

Doug Apple
General Manager - Wave 94
Christian Radio for
PO Box 4105
Tallahassee, FL  32315
(850) 926-8000


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Some Things Are Forever - Apples of Gold - February 17, 2010 -vi-

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Apples of Gold

Radio Script for February 17, 2010

“Some Things Are Forever”


Hello, I’m Doug Apple…with Apples of Gold.

Some things are forever.

You can’t go wrong banking on things that are forever.

So I decided to drill into the Scriptures and discover what the Bible says is forever; and here’s what I found.  Here is a summary of things to which the Word has applied the word forever.

First of all, as you can imagine, God is forever.  He said it very succinctly in Deuteronomy 32:40, “…I live forever…”

Psalm 10 says the Lord is King forever.

Psalm 66 says He rules by His power forever.

Second Corinthians 9:9 says God’s righteousness endures forever.

Then there is God’s word.  First Peter 1:25 says, “…the word of the Lord stands forever.”

Psalm 33:11 says the plans of the Lord stand firm forever.

Psalm 135:13 says the Lord’s name endures forever.

Speaking of the Lord’s name, in Second Chronicles 33:4 God said His name will remain in Jerusalem forever.

And over and over in the Old Testament it is declared, “His love endures forever.”

But I guess it’s no surprise that all those things about God are forever.

Now here are some interesting forevers from the Old Testament about people.

In Genesis 13 the Lord spoke to Abram and basically said, “See all this land?  I will give it to you and your offspring forever.”

He made a covenant with Abraham, and Psalm 105:8 points out that God remembers His covenant forever.

Exodus 31 says that the Sabbath is a sign between God and the Israelites forever.

God told the Israelites that if they would fear Him and always keep His commandments, things would go well for them and their children forever.  But if they disobeyed, certain curses would come upon them, and those would be a sign to them and their descendants forever.

God established the tribe of Levi as His priests, to “minister in the name of the Lord…forever.”

And Joel 3 says something interesting about Judah and Jerusalem.  It says they will be inhabited forever.

Now what about Jesus?  Yes, there are some great forever statements about Jesus in the Bible.

First of all, Jesus lives forever, as it says in Hebrews 7:24.

Jesus said it Himself in Revelation 1:18, “I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever!”

And Jesus will reign forever.  A prophecy of the Messiah in Isaiah 9 said, “He will reign on David’s throne…forever.”

You probably remember the song from Handel’s Messiah, “And He shall reign for ever and ever!”  Well that’s right out of Revelation 11:15, “The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever.”

Remember what the angel told Mary before Jesus’ birth?  “…He will reign over the house of Jacob forever; His kingdom will never end.”

Not only does Jesus reign forever, He is also a high priest forever, as it says in Hebrews 6:20.

In a grand statement of Jesus’ foreverness, Hebrews 13:8 declares, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.”

Okay, God, Jesus, Israelites – but are they any forevers that apply to me?

In John 6:51 Jesus said He was the living bread which came down from heaven.  Then He said, “If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever.”

First John 2:17 says that he who “does the will of God lives forever.”

Through the sacrifice of Jesus, Hebrews 10:14 says He has made us perfect forever.

In John 14 Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would be with us forever.

Second John 1 says the truth lives in us, “and will be with us forever.”

Daniel 7:18 says the saints of the Most High will possess the kingdom for ever and ever.

And Revelation 22 says God’s servants “will reign for ever and ever.”

Not all the forevers sound so positive.

Psalm 92 says that all evildoers will be destroyed forever.

Jude wrote about certain godless men, “who change the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.”  It says that for them “is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever.”

Revelation 14 talks about those who take the mark of the beast, and says they “will be tormented with burning sulfur” and “the smoke of their torment rises for ever and ever.”

And Revelation 20 says the devil, the beast and the false prophet will be thrown into the lake of fire and will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

Yes, I realize that forever is inconceivable, but it is a certainty.

So when it comes to getting our priorities in line, it’s important to keep this in mind.

Some things are forever.


E-mail me:

May God bless you today!  With Apples of Gold…I’m Doug Apple.

© 2010 The Arrow’s Tip 
 To subscribe to your own daily “Apples of Gold” e-mail, write
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(Proverbs 25:11 – “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.”)

Why “The Arrow’s Tip”?  Each morning, after diligently seeking the Lord, I write Apples of Gold.  Then before I release it to the public I pray one final prayer, “Lord, send forth your arrows.”  I envision Apples of Gold as arrows, tips dipped in the river of the water of life that flows from the throne of God (Rev. 22:1), sailing toward the hearts and minds of men and women around the world.

Doug Apple
General Manager - Wave 94
Christian Radio for
PO Box 4105
Tallahassee, FL  32315
(850) 926-8000


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I Was Sick and You Visited Me - Apples of Gold - February 16, 2010 -vi-

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Apples of Gold

Radio Script for February 16, 2010

“I Was Sick and You Visited Me”


Hello, I’m Doug Apple…with Apples of Gold.

July 3rd, 2008, this was written by Sheri Easter.

“Yesterday at 4 p.m. I received a call from my newly acquired surgeon informing me that I had breast cancer.”

She continued.  “I have breast cancer.  I feel almost as if I should type it 100 times to remind me not to do it again, just like in grammar school.  I cried until it hurt, and then I cried more.”

Sheri Easter is an award-winning, Grammy nominated Southern Gospel singer along with her husband Jeff, and they travel the country on a touring bus with their band and their children Madison and Morgan.

She continued.  “Morgan was sitting with me when I got the call.  Jeff, Madison and everyone on our bus quickly came to the front lounge and along with me were broken.  Jeff called my mama, my brother and several of my closest friends because I couldn’t speak.”

Moments like this take place every day.  It may not be you, but it’s someone four or five people down.

Instead of zooming past them, we need to slow down, take time, and be there for people who are sick.

For Sheri Easter, following her diagnosis were days of tears, days of pain, and in her words, “days so full of fatigue that I didn’t even feel like getting out of bed.”

She endured the rigors of chemotherapy, and what was one major source of strength?  Listen to what she wrote in December, 2008.

“I continue to receive cards, calls and gifts from encouragers everywhere and for each of you, I am so thankful.  You have given me a spirit to fight when I didn’t think I could.  May God bless each of you bountifully for the giving of your hearts…”

Being sick is a terrible thing.  It’s terrible when you are fighting a killer, but it’s also wretched when you are just plain old fashioned sick.  And one of the most important things is to just have someone be there for you.

I’m so thankful that when I was sick as a child, my mother was always there for me.  Sometimes she tried to make me drink a rancid elixir called “Anti-Pain,” but that’s another story. 

For each of us children, when we were sick we had a little bell that we could ring when we needed something.  And when we rang, Mom was there.

I’m thankful that I’ve only been sick a couple of times in over 20 years of marriage, but each time my wife was there for me, even when I was delirious from strep and pulled out a gun to shoot the crazy birds outside.

Being there for sick people is near and dear to the heart of God.  In Matthew 25 Jesus said, “I was sick and you visited Me.”  The Amplified Version says, “I was sick and you visited Me with help and ministering care.”

A while back I took a young man to the emergency room.  It was a long wait, but it was so encouraging when some of his friends showed up.  He was sick, and they came to visit, to show that they cared, just to be there for him.

I was sick, and you visited me.

If you know someone who is sick today, see what you can do for them.

And of course, as Christians, we should always pray for the sick. 

James 5 says, “Is any one of you sick?  He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord.  And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up.”

It goes on to say, “If he has sinned, he will be forgiven.  Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.  The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.”

As Christians, we are called to be there for sick people, to intercede for them, to pray for them, to talk to them, and even just to visit them.

So is someone around you sick today?

Let this be your sign to reach out to them.  Don’t wait and expect that someone else out there will do it.  And don’t think your visit won’t mean anything.  It always means something when someone shows that they care.

And if you need anymore motivation to care for the sick, just remember these words of Jesus.

I was sick and you visited Me.


E-mail me:

May God bless you today!  With Apples of Gold…I’m Doug Apple.

You can read Sheri Easter’s blogs here:

© 2010 The Arrow’s Tip  
 To subscribe to your own daily “Apples of Gold” e-mail, write
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(Proverbs 25:11 – “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.”)

Why “The Arrow’s Tip”?  Each morning, after diligently seeking the Lord, I write Apples of Gold.  Then before I release it to the public I pray one final prayer, “Lord, send forth your arrows.”  I envision Apples of Gold as arrows, tips dipped in the river of the water of life that flows from the throne of God (Rev. 22:1), sailing toward the hearts and minds of men and women around the world.

Doug Apple
General Manager - Wave 94
Christian Radio for
PO Box 4105
Tallahassee, FL  32315
(850) 926-8000


Monday, February 15, 2010

You Kicked My Dog! - Apples of Gold - February 15, 2010 -vi-

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Apples of Gold

Radio Script for February 15, 2010

“You Kicked My Dog!”


Hello, I’m Doug Apple…with Apples of Gold.

“You kicked my dog!”

That’s what the man said, walking toward me.

“You kicked my dog!” he said again.

He was drunk.

This happened at the first house we bought, behind a motel.  Our kids were small, and they were out in the yard playing.

Then a threatening dog appeared in the yard, and I was called outside to deal with it.

I intervened and stood between the kids and the dog – and I tried to nudge the dog out of the yard, to send it back to wherever it came from.

A few doors down was a house owned by the motel, which they rented out like a motel room, often to construction workers in town for a job.  But on this day the house was a party house.

So anyway, I used my leg to nudge the dog out of the yard, and that’s when I heard the guy walking down the street from the party.

“You kicked my dog!”

Well I didn’t kick the dog.  I certainly didn’t want to hurt the dog or make it angry.  I just wanted it to go away. 

But that’s what the drunk guy was accusing me of, and he was laying for a fight.

So what did I do?

What would you do?

Well what I did was exercise patience.  Yes, my adrenaline kicked in.  My energy levels surged.  My body said, “Let’s get this on.”

But wisdom said, “Stay cool.  Be patient.  First of all, just get the kids inside.”  So we started herding the children into the house.

As we were doing this I said, “I didn’t kick your dog.  I was just trying to protect my kids.”

Well he was drunk and mouthy.  I know, it’s hard to believe those two going together, but he just kept talking.

So you know what?  I had said my piece.  There was really nothing to add, and nothing good could come from any more interaction.  So as the children went inside, I did what seemed to be the wisest thing to do.  I simply went into the house.

And he took his dog and walked back down the street; and I never saw him again.

Yes, that was an extreme situation, but I think it’s a great example of patience.

When I think of patience I think of calmness and self control in irritating circumstances.

Do you ever find yourself in irritating circumstances?  We all do, so . . . we all need to work on being more patient. 

“Yes, Doug, I know I need to be more patient, but the question is, how?”

Well first of all, keep in mind the benefits of being patient.  For example, Proverbs 15:18 says, “…a patient man calms a quarrel.”

Some people just stir up quarrels.  As soon as they step in, they whip it into a frenzy.  But when a patient man steps in, his calming presence has a clamp-down effect. 

That’s the person you want to be, the patient one who calms the quarrel.

Another benefit of being patient is that patience is better than power.  Proverbs 16:32 says, “Better a patient man than a warrior…”  Other versions say, “He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty...” and “Better to be patient than powerful…”

Here is another benefit of patience.  Proverbs 25:15 says, “Through patience a ruler can be persuaded…”

There are a host of benefits for being patient, so it’s a worthy goal to shoot for.

Plus, the Bible flat out tells us to be patient, as in First Thessalonians 5:14 which says, “…be patient with everyone.”

Also, to be patient is God-like, because the Bible says over and over that God is patient.  In fact, Romans 15:5 calls Him “the God of patience.”

“Fine, Doug, fine.  I get it, I’m supposed to be patient, but again, the question is . . . how?”

Well first of all, as a Christian with the Holy Spirit inside you, you already have a wellspring of patience.  Galatians 5:22 says the fruit of the Spirit includes patience, or what the old King James calls “longsuffering.”

So tune in to the Holy Spirit, walk in the Spirit and live by the Spirit and you will be more patient.

Another fruit of the Spirit is love, and as it says in First Corinthians 13, “love is patient.”

Proverbs 19:11 says, “A man’s wisdom gives him patience…” 

There you go, some great sources of patience.  You get patience from the God of patience.  You get patience as a fruit of the Spirit.  You get patience from love, and you get patience from wisdom.

And by the way, there are some practical tips to being more patient.
--Get enough sleep.
--Eat right.
--Don’t overbook yourself.
--And live by your priorities – make the main things the main things and don’t stress out about the rest.

So, it’s time to tap into this beautiful gift from God.

It’s time to take advantage of the simple but powerful thing we call patience.


E-mail me:

May God bless you today!  With Apples of Gold…I’m Doug Apple.

© 2010 The Arrow’s Tip 
 To subscribe to your own daily “Apples of Gold” e-mail, write
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If you have trouble reaching me at my main e-mail address, try this one:

(Proverbs 25:11 – “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.”)

Why “The Arrow’s Tip”?  Each morning, after diligently seeking the Lord, I write Apples of Gold.  Then before I release it to the public I pray one final prayer, “Lord, send forth your arrows.”  I envision Apples of Gold as arrows, tips dipped in the river of the water of life that flows from the throne of God (Rev. 22:1), sailing toward the hearts and minds of men and women around the world.

Doug Apple
General Manager - Wave 94
Christian Radio for
PO Box 4105
Tallahassee, FL  32315
(850) 926-8000


Friday, February 12, 2010

Before You Read First and Second Peter - Apples of Gold - February 12, 2010 -vi-

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Apples of Gold

Radio Script for February 12, 2010

“Before You Read First and Second Peter”


Hello, I’m Doug Apple…with Apples of Gold.

If you just sit down and start reading First and Second Peter in the Bible, you won’t get the full effect.

It helps to know all about the author before you begin, so let’s take just a moment and learn more about the extraordinary life of Simon Peter.

Simon was the brother of Andrew, and they were both fishermen from the city of
Bethsaida in Galilee.  Andrew was a disciple of John the Baptist, and he was there when John the Baptist looked at Jesus and said, “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.”

So Andrew became a follower of Christ, and the first thing he did was go tell his brother Simon, “We have found the Messiah.” 

Andrew brought his brother to Jesus, and Jesus looked at him and said, “You are Simon, the son of John.  You shall be called Cephas.”  Cephas means Peter which means a rock or a stone.  So it was Jesus who gave Simon the name Peter.

One day Jesus told Peter to go out in his fishing boat and let down the nets.  Peter was reluctant because they had just fished all night and caught nothing, but he did it and they caught more fish than their nets could handle.

Peter was deeply moved by this miracle and he fell at Jesus’ feet and said, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!”  But Jesus said to him, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will catch men.”

At that point Jesus and his brother Andrew left everything and followed Jesus.

Shortly thereafter Jesus did another miracle in Peter’s life – He healed his mother-in-law. 

One interesting note:  Matthew, Mark and Luke all list Jesus’ 12 disciples, and every time, Peter is listed first.

When Jesus went to raise Jairus’ daughter from the dead, He only allowed three disciples to join Him, and one was Peter.

Peter saw Jesus walking on water, then tried it himself.  It worked at first, but then he sank.  Jesus caught him and said, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”

It wasn’t the last time Jesus chastised Peter.  Once Peter said, “Explain the parable to us,” and Jesus said, “Are you still so dull?”

When Jesus predicted that He would suffer and die, Peter said, “Never, Lord!  This shall never happen to you!”  And Jesus said, “Get behind me, Satan!  You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.”

But Peter was committed.  When Jesus’ teaching grew difficult, and many turned away, Jesus said to the Twelve, “Do you also want to go away?”  And Peter said, “Lord, to whom shall we go?  You have the words of eternal life.”

Another time Jesus asked them, “Who do you say that I am?”  And Peter said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”  Then Jesus said that that was revealed to Peter by His Father in heaven, then added, “You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven…”

Peter was present at the transfiguration, when Moses and Elijah showed up to talk to Jesus.  And Peter was enveloped by that cloud from which the voice said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased.  Listen to Him!”

It was Peter who Jesus told to go catch a fish and in its mouth he would find money to pay the temple tax.

It was Peter who asked Jesus how many times he needed to forgive his brother.

It was Peter who said, “We’ve left everything to follow You.  What will there be for us?”

It was Peter, with John, who went to prepare for the Last Supper, and found things just as Jesus told them.

It was Peter that Jesus rebuked when he fell asleep while praying in the Garden of Gethsemane.

It was Peter who leapt to Jesus’ defense, cutting off a man’s ear during the arrest.

It was Peter who said he would lay down his life for Jesus, then Jesus told him that, actually, Peter would deny Him . . . three times.  And it was Peter who, after denying Him, “went outside and wept bitterly.”

On resurrection day, the young man in white inside the empty tomb told the women to “…go, tell His disciples and Peter…”

Peter ran to the tomb with John, went inside and found only the burial cloths.  And the risen Savior appeared specifically to Peter.

Then Peter witnessed another miracle catch of fish as the risen Jesus instructed them from the shore.  And corresponding to the number of times Peter denied Him, Jesus asked him three times, “Simon, do you love me?”  And each time Peter said, “You know that I love You.”

After Jesus’ ascension, Peter became a lead spokesman for the church.  On the Day of Pentecost, it was Peter who spoke to the crowd and 3,000 were saved.  He preached of Jesus in Samaria as well as to the Gentiles.  He is the one who dealt with Ananias and Sapphira and Simon the Sorcerer. 

The Lord healed many people through Peter, and raised the dead, and people clamored even to be in his shadow when he walked past.  In Jesus’ name Peter raised such a ruckus that he was arrested more than once.  He was even flogged, but his attitude was, “We will obey God rather than men.”  Once he was imprisoned and scheduled for execution, but an angel came and set him free.

In one exciting 15 day period, a relatively new Christian named Paul came to Jerusalem and stayed with Peter.  And Paul later had to rebuke Peter for letting some his old Jewish ways sneak into his Christianity.

After all this, all the ups and downs, all the excitement of seeing the Lord work in astounding ways; after the low point of denying Jesus, and the high point of being filled with His Spirit and leading thousands to Christ – after all this, Peter sat down to write. 

And now you are ready to read what he wrote. 

Now you can dig into those two powerful books, First and Second Peter.


E-mail me:

May God bless you today!  With Apples of Gold…I’m Doug Apple.

© 2010 The Arrow’s Tip 
 To subscribe to your own daily “Apples of Gold” e-mail, write
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(Proverbs 25:11 – “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.”)

Why “The Arrow’s Tip”?  Each morning, after diligently seeking the Lord, I write Apples of Gold.  Then before I release it to the public I pray one final prayer, “Lord, send forth your arrows.”  I envision Apples of Gold as arrows, tips dipped in the river of the water of life that flows from the throne of God (Rev. 22:1), sailing toward the hearts and minds of men and women around the world.

Doug Apple
General Manager - Wave 94
Christian Radio for
PO Box 4105
Tallahassee, FL  32315
(850) 926-8000
