Apples of Gold
Radio Script for December 10, 2008
“Is There a Pogo in Your Life?”
Hello, I’m Doug Apple…with Apples of Gold.
That’s when Pogo came into his life.
Pogo was a wit, he said, a dressy man, a man about town.
“Here was sophistication,” he said, “glossy all over, and (dared one believe it?) ready to impart sophistication to us.”
They learned from Pogo all the latest fashions, but that was just the start.
“Pogo was a great theatrical authority,” he said. “We soon knew all the latest songs. We soon knew all about the famous actresses of that age. We learned from him all the latest jokes; where we did not understand he was ready to give us help. He explained many things.”
C.S. Lewis concluded by saying, “How gratifying, and how edifying, it would be if I could trace to Pogo all my slips from virtue… Unfortunately this would be false.”
Now listen to this conclusion. And by the way, this is from C.S. Lewis’ book entitled “Surprised by Joy.” Listen as he sums up the impact of Pogo on his life.
“What attacked me through Pogo was not the Flesh (I had that of my own) but the World: the desire for glitter, swagger, distinction, the desire to be in the know.”
If you could see the book, you would see that Lewis actually capitalized the word World. He said he was attacked, through Pogo, by the World.
What exactly did he mean by the World? Let’s look at the four things he mentioned. The first one was the desire for glitter.
To me this means how I look. I want to look good. I want to dress sharp. I want the right haircut. I want perfect teeth and big muscles, and while we’re at it, throw in a Maserati. When I show up I want to sparkle.
But Lewis said this desire for glitter is really an attack of the World.
Now look at the second thing he mentioned: the desire for swagger.
Have you ever felt this “swagger?” It’s confidence with a frothy head. You walk in and you are in charge. You know it and they know it. It shows in your every motion. It’s a great feeling.
But Lewis said this desire for swagger is really an attack of the World.
Third on his list is the desire for distinction.
I want to rise above the average commoner. I don’t want to blend in with the rabble. I want to be known and respected for what I do. I want to be high on the Who’s Who of special people.
But Lewis said this desire for distinction is really an attack of the World.
And fourth on his list is the desire to be “in the know.”
I want to be an insider. I don’t want to be “out of the loop.” Is there a new technology? Yes, I know about it. A new fashion? I’m wearing it. Is there a gossip circle? I am privy. A new movie? Seen it. New book? Read it. New trend? Tried it – even before you did. I am not a dolt who doesn’t keep up with the times. I am in the know.
But Lewis said this desire to be in the know is really an attack of the World.
Have you ever been attacked by the World?
What does that even mean?
The Bible spells out two ways of living: God’s way and the World’s way. These are two different systems.
When we are attacked by the World, it is the temptation to do things the World’s way. It’s an invitation to participate in the World’s system of living.
Ephesians 2:2 calls it “the ways of this world.”
Romans 12:2 calls it “the pattern of this world.”
Colossians 2:20 calls it “the basic principles of this world.”
First Corinthians 1:20 calls it “the wisdom of the world.”
Second Corinthians 10:2 calls it “the standards of this world.”
The Bible says repeatedly that we should not live in the World’s way.
So how can we escape the corruption of the World? Second Peter 2:20 says it’s by “knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”
See, it’s about knowing the Lord. It’s walking with the Lord each day. It’s about listening to the Spirit of God inside of us. He will guide us to God’s system for living and away from the World’s system.
The World wars against our soul. It tempts us and invites us to join in.
But we are not of this world, and we should avoid living by its system.
Romans 12:2 says, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world…” And it goes on to say that, instead, we need to find out what God’s will is.
The World attacked C.S. Lewis with the desire for glitter, swagger, distinction, and the desire to be in the know. The World may attack you in different ways. But it’s always an invitation to participate in the World’s system of living.
Don’t fall for it. It may not even seem like a sin, but don’t fall for it. The World’s way is not God’s way.
So think about it and pray about it today. Beware that the World does attack. And beware of the Pogos in your life, through whom those attacks come.
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May God bless you today! With Apples of Gold…I’m Doug Apple.
The Pogos in our life are the people through whom the World attacks. They make the World’s system look good to us. And like Lewis’ Pogo, it often comes with the offer of becoming more “sophisticated.”
© 2008 The Arrow’s Tip
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(Proverbs 25:11 – “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.”)
Why “The Arrow’s Tip”? Each morning, after diligently seeking the Lord, I write Apples of Gold. Then before I release it to the public I pray one final prayer, “Lord, send forth your arrows.” I envision Apples of Gold as arrows, tips dipped in the river of the water of life that flows from the throne of God (Rev. 22:1), sailing toward the hearts and minds of men and women around the world.
Doug Apple
General Manager - Wave 94
Christian Radio for Tallahassee
PO Box 4105
Tallahassee, FL 32315
(850) 926-8000