Sunday, February 01, 2004

The X-Man of Ephesians

The X-Man of Ephesians

As a child, a boy to be exact, I was always interested in comic book heroes and their special powers.  The Hulk.  The Thing.  Spider Man.  Thor.  Iron Man (Dave Calhoun’s hero!)  You get the picture.  

One comic book character that has been made more popular in the movies lately is Wolverine.  This man has two superhuman capabilities:  his body heals itself of all wounds, and when he is angry large claws come out as weapons.  Actually these claws are very long razor-sharp knives that extend from his knuckles.

I want to use Wolverine’s special powers to illustrate two principles.  First let’s look at his “claws”.  You know, we all have claws like this that can cause great harm to others.  They are our words, and they tend to inflict more pain when we are angry.

My goal is to eliminate all the claws from my words.  It’s a very difficult task, but I think God is for it and will help accomplish it.

Watch your words, and how often there are claws in them meant to do harm.  Look for little sharp comments that give a little “dig” at someone.  

Recently I was answering a complaint letter sent to the radio station where I work.  As a professional, I take great care to word such letters in exactly the right way.  I try to make sure there is not a single claw.  After I write a letter like that I often set it aside, then read it a little later from a fresh perspective, again trying to ensure that I am not simply “snapping back”.

Unfortunately we do not have that time luxury in most conversations.  When someone is speaking to us, a response is required immediately.  In the course of normal conversation, can we remove the barbs, the claws?  Can we sand off all the rough edges?  

Why should we “de-claw” ourselves?  Because the Bible says in Ephesians 4:29-32 that we should only say things “helpful for building others up” and words that “benefit those who listen”.  It also instructs us to get rid of “every form of malice”.


I love that little phrase, and it’s so true.  When do our claws come out?  When we are hurt or threatened.  Recently someone said some less-than-kind things to me, and it caught me off guard.  As I pondered it later I think something I had done may have hurt their feelings.  When we are hurt, our claws come out and we strike back.  It’s human nature.  

But if it’s “hard-wired” into us, how can we avoid it?  Here is where Wolverine’s other super power comes in, the immediate healing.  

When a foe injured Wolverine, it was short-lived.  No matter how deep the cut, it didn’t last.  Soon the wound was completely healed, leaving no scars.

That’s the way we need to be when people wound us.  It’s called the power of forgiveness.

Back to Ephesians 4, where verse 32 says, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”  This is the foil to the mortal coil (that wording is just for you, Pastor John!)

People will wound us and hurt us.  That is a given.  But can we be like Wolverine and heal up instantly?  Yes, we can.  Forgiving brings the healing.  The sooner we forgive, the sooner we are healed from any wounds.

I imagine it this way.  Someone claws me with their words.  I feel the pain, followed by the desire to respond out of my own hurt.  But then, like Wolverine, the wound instantly heals as I instantly forgive.  Now, instead of responding with claws out of my own anger and pain, I can respond as Christ calls me to respond, with kindness and compassion.

So there you have it.  My goal for the year:  Remove all claws and barbs from my speech, and heal instantly when claws and barbs injure me.  

Thursday, January 01, 2004

Come and See My Zeal for the Lord

“Come and see my zeal for the Lord!”

--Jehu (2 Kings 10:16)

I love that declaration by Jehu!  Then the Bible records that with Charlton Heston bravado Jehu jumped into a chariot and rode off to do the will of God.  Now that should appeal to every Alpha Male in my readership today.  I mean, it has all the ingredients we love:  1)  A bold declaration, 2) A cool word that begins with a “Z”, 3) A chariot, and 4) Action, baby!

A Bold Declaration

We like bold declarations.  Say it loud and say it proud!  And once you declare it, it’s set in stone.  “Look, I said it.  I meant it.  And if you try to make me go back on it, I’ll die first!”  Some guys have that zeal for their “team” (for crying out loud…).  How about a little zeal for the Lord God almighty?!  Make a bold declaration, loud and proud, of what you will do for the Lord, and make it big!  Then don’t back down from it.  Die for it, but don’t wimp out.

A Cool Word That Begins With “Z”

You know, like Zorro or something.  We like cool words and phrases, like “Red Zone.” Well, zeal is one of those words.  ZEAL!!!  It even looks cool.  Look your neighbor in the eye and shout “Zeal, baby!” and give them a crushing head butt (only if you are wearing your Brad-Stein-helmet).  But really, that’s a word you can rally around.  We Christians need to work together, you know, get in a huddle, work out a plan, put our hands together, and “Zeal on three.  O.K. One.  Two.  ‘Zeal!’”  (Zealous people sometimes have problems with patience…)  

A Chariot

Jehu had a chariot.  What’s your machine?  Use it to carry out your zeal for Christ.  Ride it to your destination, where you are going to do the will of God.  Let your chariot be filled with prayers and praise and intercessions.  Show your zeal in your automobile!  You call that little stick fish ZEAL?!  SHOW ME YOUR ZEAL FOR THE LORD!!!

Action, Baby!

Why are so many churches loaded with more women than men?  No action!  But show me a church making a bone-jarring impact on their community and I’ll bet it’s a church loaded with men full of zeal for the Lord!  You want men involved?  Then give them something to win.  That’s why men rhymes with win (bear with me here).  But really, men want to get out and do something.  There’s a time for talk, but then there’s a time for action, and that action needs to be in the middle of the will of God.  

Long Summary

Just do it!