Wednesday, February 24, 2021

What Am I Denying Myself?

(Click to listen)

I’m Doug Apple...and my heart is on fire.  (Luke 24:32)

Do you want to be a follower of Jesus?

If so, He gives a prerequisite.

Jesus said if we want to follow Him, we must deny ourselves.  

So the question is, what am I denying myself?

It’s almost un-American to deny ourselves anything.

King Solomon denied himself nothing at all, and it wrecked his kingdom.

I approach this in a childlike way.  I just say, “God, I am denying myself this because I’m so hungry for You.”

Deny myself what?

It’s been many things over the years, and it’s always something.  Yesterday a friend said, “Would you like a muffin?  Or are you fasting muffins now?  I can’t keep track of what you are fasting.”

Well, right now I’m fasting candy and cookies and frozen dairy treats.  I’ve actually been fasting candy and cookies for three years now.

I pray, “Father, I’m denying myself these things that are pleasant in this world because I’m so hungry for the things of the Kingdom of God.”

I’m currently fasting all beverages except what I call the front-line soldier beverages of water and black coffee.

I pray, “Father, I’m fasting all drinks besides water and black coffee because I’m so thirsty for You.  As the deer pants for the water, so my soul longs after Thee.”

I don’t really know exactly what Jesus meant when He said, “Deny yourself,” but I’m pretty sure that if I’m denying myself nothing, I’m not meeting the standard.

So like I said, I approach it like a child.  I just pick some things and deny them to myself.  I fast from them.  I do it out of a heart and a passion to follow Jesus.

He is the Good Shepherd.  I want to be a sheep that follows closely.  I’m desperately hungry for that, to follow as closely as I possibly can.

And He said that if I want to follow Him, then I must deny myself, so that is what I’m doing, in my own humble, child-like, sheep-like way.  

And I hope you consider doing the same.

May God bless you today.

I’m Doug Apple.

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