Thursday, February 18, 2010

Honor to Whom Honor Is Due - Apples of Gold - February 18, 2010 -vi-

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Apples of Gold

Radio Script for February 18, 2010

“Honor to Whom Honor Is Due”


Hello, I’m Doug Apple…with Apples of Gold.

Romans 13:7 tells us to give honor to whom honor is due.

So to whom is honor due?

And what is honor, anyway?

Honor is what you see a lot of times at funerals.  The deceased is shown great respect as their negatives are overlooked and their positives are praised.  We honor the dearly departed.

But while people are alive we don’t tend to honor them very much, at least not in America.  Instead of honoring people, we are much more likely to tear them down, from our neighbor to our boss, from our pastor to our president. 

Giving honor is not a strong suit in America, and yet the Bible says to give honor to whom honor is due.

So to whom is honor due?

At the top of the list is God, of course.  We are to honor God.

And how does the Bible say we are to honor God?

Proverbs 3:9 tells us to honor God with our possessions, and with the firstfruits of our increase.  Think about that the next time they pass the plate at church.  That is a great opportunity to honor God with the firstfruits of your increase.

And we are to honor God with our possessions.  Our possessions should show respect to God, so look around.  Do you possess anything that disrespects God?  If so, then out of honor to God, get rid of it. 

And listen.  If it disrespects God, why would you give it to someone else, or sell it?  If it disrespects God, I say destroy it.  We are to honor God with our possessions.

Another way we honor God is by being kind to those in need.  Proverbs 14:31 says, “…whoever is kind to the needy honors God.”

There are many other ways to honor and show respect to God, but those are the two ways the Bible specifically says here is how you honor God – with your possessions and firstfruits, and by being kind to the needy.

It’s also important to honor Jesus Christ.  He said in John 5:23, “…that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father.  He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father, who sent Him.”

I guess that’s a no-brainer, that we are to honor God.  So, who else are we to honor?

Well here’s a pretty general guideline.  Romans 12:10 says to “honor one another above yourselves.”  So our general attitude in life as a Christian is to honor others above ourselves.

But there are some people we are specifically told to honor, and the people mentioned most are our parents.  Over and over in the Bible you will find this command, “Honor your father and your mother.”

So if you are making a priority list, it should start out like this:  honor God, and honor your parents.

Next we find a group of people worth a special mention because it says they are worthy of “double honor.”  I’m talking about the elders in the church.  First Timothy 5:17 says, “The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching.”

So preachers and teachers and all those elders who do a good job running the church – we are to give them double honor.

Next we come to First Peter 2:17 which says, “honor the king.”  Of course we don’t have a king in America, but I think it’s pretty simple to substitute words like president and governor and mayor and, you get the point.  I think we should honor and show respect to our governing authorities.

And finally here is another general statement of whom to honor.  Psalm 15 says to honor those who fear the Lord.

One thing to keep in mind.  We always honor God above people.  Back in First Samuel 2, old Eli got in serious trouble for breaking that rule.  God rebuked Eli severely when He said, “Why do you honor your sons more than Me?”

Now, one last thing on the subject of honor, and that is how you can receive honor yourself.  It’s tricky, because we aren’t supposed to seek to be honored, but we are to live honorably.  So here is what the Bible says we can do that will result in being honored.

The first one is a byproduct of honoring God.  In First Samuel 2:30 God said, “Those who honor Me I will honor…”

The second one is a byproduct of serving Jesus.  In John 12:26 Jesus said it plainly, “My Father will honor the one who serves Me.”

Psalm 91 says the Lord will honor those who love Him and call upon Him.

The Proverbs repeatedly tell us that when we gain wisdom we will end up with honor.

Other traits that bring honor include faith, love, and righteousness. 

But one thing to keep in mind, as Proverbs 15:33 points out, before honor comes humility.

So there’s a little lesson on honor.

We are to give honor to whom honor is due, and we start by honoring God.

So I’ll close with one of my all time favorite God-honoring Bible verses:  First Timothy 1:17.

“Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honor and glory for ever and ever.  Amen.”


E-mail me:

May God bless you today!  With Apples of Gold…I’m Doug Apple.

© 2010 The Arrow’s Tip 
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(Proverbs 25:11 – “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.”)

Why “The Arrow’s Tip”?  Each morning, after diligently seeking the Lord, I write Apples of Gold.  Then before I release it to the public I pray one final prayer, “Lord, send forth your arrows.”  I envision Apples of Gold as arrows, tips dipped in the river of the water of life that flows from the throne of God (Rev. 22:1), sailing toward the hearts and minds of men and women around the world.

Doug Apple
General Manager - Wave 94
Christian Radio for
PO Box 4105
Tallahassee, FL  32315
(850) 926-8000


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Some Things Are Forever - Apples of Gold - February 17, 2010 -vi-

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Apples of Gold

Radio Script for February 17, 2010

“Some Things Are Forever”


Hello, I’m Doug Apple…with Apples of Gold.

Some things are forever.

You can’t go wrong banking on things that are forever.

So I decided to drill into the Scriptures and discover what the Bible says is forever; and here’s what I found.  Here is a summary of things to which the Word has applied the word forever.

First of all, as you can imagine, God is forever.  He said it very succinctly in Deuteronomy 32:40, “…I live forever…”

Psalm 10 says the Lord is King forever.

Psalm 66 says He rules by His power forever.

Second Corinthians 9:9 says God’s righteousness endures forever.

Then there is God’s word.  First Peter 1:25 says, “…the word of the Lord stands forever.”

Psalm 33:11 says the plans of the Lord stand firm forever.

Psalm 135:13 says the Lord’s name endures forever.

Speaking of the Lord’s name, in Second Chronicles 33:4 God said His name will remain in Jerusalem forever.

And over and over in the Old Testament it is declared, “His love endures forever.”

But I guess it’s no surprise that all those things about God are forever.

Now here are some interesting forevers from the Old Testament about people.

In Genesis 13 the Lord spoke to Abram and basically said, “See all this land?  I will give it to you and your offspring forever.”

He made a covenant with Abraham, and Psalm 105:8 points out that God remembers His covenant forever.

Exodus 31 says that the Sabbath is a sign between God and the Israelites forever.

God told the Israelites that if they would fear Him and always keep His commandments, things would go well for them and their children forever.  But if they disobeyed, certain curses would come upon them, and those would be a sign to them and their descendants forever.

God established the tribe of Levi as His priests, to “minister in the name of the Lord…forever.”

And Joel 3 says something interesting about Judah and Jerusalem.  It says they will be inhabited forever.

Now what about Jesus?  Yes, there are some great forever statements about Jesus in the Bible.

First of all, Jesus lives forever, as it says in Hebrews 7:24.

Jesus said it Himself in Revelation 1:18, “I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever!”

And Jesus will reign forever.  A prophecy of the Messiah in Isaiah 9 said, “He will reign on David’s throne…forever.”

You probably remember the song from Handel’s Messiah, “And He shall reign for ever and ever!”  Well that’s right out of Revelation 11:15, “The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever.”

Remember what the angel told Mary before Jesus’ birth?  “…He will reign over the house of Jacob forever; His kingdom will never end.”

Not only does Jesus reign forever, He is also a high priest forever, as it says in Hebrews 6:20.

In a grand statement of Jesus’ foreverness, Hebrews 13:8 declares, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.”

Okay, God, Jesus, Israelites – but are they any forevers that apply to me?

In John 6:51 Jesus said He was the living bread which came down from heaven.  Then He said, “If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever.”

First John 2:17 says that he who “does the will of God lives forever.”

Through the sacrifice of Jesus, Hebrews 10:14 says He has made us perfect forever.

In John 14 Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would be with us forever.

Second John 1 says the truth lives in us, “and will be with us forever.”

Daniel 7:18 says the saints of the Most High will possess the kingdom for ever and ever.

And Revelation 22 says God’s servants “will reign for ever and ever.”

Not all the forevers sound so positive.

Psalm 92 says that all evildoers will be destroyed forever.

Jude wrote about certain godless men, “who change the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.”  It says that for them “is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever.”

Revelation 14 talks about those who take the mark of the beast, and says they “will be tormented with burning sulfur” and “the smoke of their torment rises for ever and ever.”

And Revelation 20 says the devil, the beast and the false prophet will be thrown into the lake of fire and will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

Yes, I realize that forever is inconceivable, but it is a certainty.

So when it comes to getting our priorities in line, it’s important to keep this in mind.

Some things are forever.


E-mail me:

May God bless you today!  With Apples of Gold…I’m Doug Apple.

© 2010 The Arrow’s Tip 
 To subscribe to your own daily “Apples of Gold” e-mail, write
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(Proverbs 25:11 – “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.”)

Why “The Arrow’s Tip”?  Each morning, after diligently seeking the Lord, I write Apples of Gold.  Then before I release it to the public I pray one final prayer, “Lord, send forth your arrows.”  I envision Apples of Gold as arrows, tips dipped in the river of the water of life that flows from the throne of God (Rev. 22:1), sailing toward the hearts and minds of men and women around the world.

Doug Apple
General Manager - Wave 94
Christian Radio for
PO Box 4105
Tallahassee, FL  32315
(850) 926-8000


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I Was Sick and You Visited Me - Apples of Gold - February 16, 2010 -vi-

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Apples of Gold

Radio Script for February 16, 2010

“I Was Sick and You Visited Me”


Hello, I’m Doug Apple…with Apples of Gold.

July 3rd, 2008, this was written by Sheri Easter.

“Yesterday at 4 p.m. I received a call from my newly acquired surgeon informing me that I had breast cancer.”

She continued.  “I have breast cancer.  I feel almost as if I should type it 100 times to remind me not to do it again, just like in grammar school.  I cried until it hurt, and then I cried more.”

Sheri Easter is an award-winning, Grammy nominated Southern Gospel singer along with her husband Jeff, and they travel the country on a touring bus with their band and their children Madison and Morgan.

She continued.  “Morgan was sitting with me when I got the call.  Jeff, Madison and everyone on our bus quickly came to the front lounge and along with me were broken.  Jeff called my mama, my brother and several of my closest friends because I couldn’t speak.”

Moments like this take place every day.  It may not be you, but it’s someone four or five people down.

Instead of zooming past them, we need to slow down, take time, and be there for people who are sick.

For Sheri Easter, following her diagnosis were days of tears, days of pain, and in her words, “days so full of fatigue that I didn’t even feel like getting out of bed.”

She endured the rigors of chemotherapy, and what was one major source of strength?  Listen to what she wrote in December, 2008.

“I continue to receive cards, calls and gifts from encouragers everywhere and for each of you, I am so thankful.  You have given me a spirit to fight when I didn’t think I could.  May God bless each of you bountifully for the giving of your hearts…”

Being sick is a terrible thing.  It’s terrible when you are fighting a killer, but it’s also wretched when you are just plain old fashioned sick.  And one of the most important things is to just have someone be there for you.

I’m so thankful that when I was sick as a child, my mother was always there for me.  Sometimes she tried to make me drink a rancid elixir called “Anti-Pain,” but that’s another story. 

For each of us children, when we were sick we had a little bell that we could ring when we needed something.  And when we rang, Mom was there.

I’m thankful that I’ve only been sick a couple of times in over 20 years of marriage, but each time my wife was there for me, even when I was delirious from strep and pulled out a gun to shoot the crazy birds outside.

Being there for sick people is near and dear to the heart of God.  In Matthew 25 Jesus said, “I was sick and you visited Me.”  The Amplified Version says, “I was sick and you visited Me with help and ministering care.”

A while back I took a young man to the emergency room.  It was a long wait, but it was so encouraging when some of his friends showed up.  He was sick, and they came to visit, to show that they cared, just to be there for him.

I was sick, and you visited me.

If you know someone who is sick today, see what you can do for them.

And of course, as Christians, we should always pray for the sick. 

James 5 says, “Is any one of you sick?  He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord.  And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up.”

It goes on to say, “If he has sinned, he will be forgiven.  Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.  The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.”

As Christians, we are called to be there for sick people, to intercede for them, to pray for them, to talk to them, and even just to visit them.

So is someone around you sick today?

Let this be your sign to reach out to them.  Don’t wait and expect that someone else out there will do it.  And don’t think your visit won’t mean anything.  It always means something when someone shows that they care.

And if you need anymore motivation to care for the sick, just remember these words of Jesus.

I was sick and you visited Me.


E-mail me:

May God bless you today!  With Apples of Gold…I’m Doug Apple.

You can read Sheri Easter’s blogs here:

© 2010 The Arrow’s Tip  
 To subscribe to your own daily “Apples of Gold” e-mail, write
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(Proverbs 25:11 – “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.”)

Why “The Arrow’s Tip”?  Each morning, after diligently seeking the Lord, I write Apples of Gold.  Then before I release it to the public I pray one final prayer, “Lord, send forth your arrows.”  I envision Apples of Gold as arrows, tips dipped in the river of the water of life that flows from the throne of God (Rev. 22:1), sailing toward the hearts and minds of men and women around the world.

Doug Apple
General Manager - Wave 94
Christian Radio for
PO Box 4105
Tallahassee, FL  32315
(850) 926-8000


Monday, February 15, 2010

You Kicked My Dog! - Apples of Gold - February 15, 2010 -vi-

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Apples of Gold

Radio Script for February 15, 2010

“You Kicked My Dog!”


Hello, I’m Doug Apple…with Apples of Gold.

“You kicked my dog!”

That’s what the man said, walking toward me.

“You kicked my dog!” he said again.

He was drunk.

This happened at the first house we bought, behind a motel.  Our kids were small, and they were out in the yard playing.

Then a threatening dog appeared in the yard, and I was called outside to deal with it.

I intervened and stood between the kids and the dog – and I tried to nudge the dog out of the yard, to send it back to wherever it came from.

A few doors down was a house owned by the motel, which they rented out like a motel room, often to construction workers in town for a job.  But on this day the house was a party house.

So anyway, I used my leg to nudge the dog out of the yard, and that’s when I heard the guy walking down the street from the party.

“You kicked my dog!”

Well I didn’t kick the dog.  I certainly didn’t want to hurt the dog or make it angry.  I just wanted it to go away. 

But that’s what the drunk guy was accusing me of, and he was laying for a fight.

So what did I do?

What would you do?

Well what I did was exercise patience.  Yes, my adrenaline kicked in.  My energy levels surged.  My body said, “Let’s get this on.”

But wisdom said, “Stay cool.  Be patient.  First of all, just get the kids inside.”  So we started herding the children into the house.

As we were doing this I said, “I didn’t kick your dog.  I was just trying to protect my kids.”

Well he was drunk and mouthy.  I know, it’s hard to believe those two going together, but he just kept talking.

So you know what?  I had said my piece.  There was really nothing to add, and nothing good could come from any more interaction.  So as the children went inside, I did what seemed to be the wisest thing to do.  I simply went into the house.

And he took his dog and walked back down the street; and I never saw him again.

Yes, that was an extreme situation, but I think it’s a great example of patience.

When I think of patience I think of calmness and self control in irritating circumstances.

Do you ever find yourself in irritating circumstances?  We all do, so . . . we all need to work on being more patient. 

“Yes, Doug, I know I need to be more patient, but the question is, how?”

Well first of all, keep in mind the benefits of being patient.  For example, Proverbs 15:18 says, “…a patient man calms a quarrel.”

Some people just stir up quarrels.  As soon as they step in, they whip it into a frenzy.  But when a patient man steps in, his calming presence has a clamp-down effect. 

That’s the person you want to be, the patient one who calms the quarrel.

Another benefit of being patient is that patience is better than power.  Proverbs 16:32 says, “Better a patient man than a warrior…”  Other versions say, “He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty...” and “Better to be patient than powerful…”

Here is another benefit of patience.  Proverbs 25:15 says, “Through patience a ruler can be persuaded…”

There are a host of benefits for being patient, so it’s a worthy goal to shoot for.

Plus, the Bible flat out tells us to be patient, as in First Thessalonians 5:14 which says, “…be patient with everyone.”

Also, to be patient is God-like, because the Bible says over and over that God is patient.  In fact, Romans 15:5 calls Him “the God of patience.”

“Fine, Doug, fine.  I get it, I’m supposed to be patient, but again, the question is . . . how?”

Well first of all, as a Christian with the Holy Spirit inside you, you already have a wellspring of patience.  Galatians 5:22 says the fruit of the Spirit includes patience, or what the old King James calls “longsuffering.”

So tune in to the Holy Spirit, walk in the Spirit and live by the Spirit and you will be more patient.

Another fruit of the Spirit is love, and as it says in First Corinthians 13, “love is patient.”

Proverbs 19:11 says, “A man’s wisdom gives him patience…” 

There you go, some great sources of patience.  You get patience from the God of patience.  You get patience as a fruit of the Spirit.  You get patience from love, and you get patience from wisdom.

And by the way, there are some practical tips to being more patient.
--Get enough sleep.
--Eat right.
--Don’t overbook yourself.
--And live by your priorities – make the main things the main things and don’t stress out about the rest.

So, it’s time to tap into this beautiful gift from God.

It’s time to take advantage of the simple but powerful thing we call patience.


E-mail me:

May God bless you today!  With Apples of Gold…I’m Doug Apple.

© 2010 The Arrow’s Tip 
 To subscribe to your own daily “Apples of Gold” e-mail, write
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If you want to catch “Apples of Gold” in its original audio format, go to
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If you have trouble reaching me at my main e-mail address, try this one:

(Proverbs 25:11 – “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.”)

Why “The Arrow’s Tip”?  Each morning, after diligently seeking the Lord, I write Apples of Gold.  Then before I release it to the public I pray one final prayer, “Lord, send forth your arrows.”  I envision Apples of Gold as arrows, tips dipped in the river of the water of life that flows from the throne of God (Rev. 22:1), sailing toward the hearts and minds of men and women around the world.

Doug Apple
General Manager - Wave 94
Christian Radio for
PO Box 4105
Tallahassee, FL  32315
(850) 926-8000


Friday, February 12, 2010

Before You Read First and Second Peter - Apples of Gold - February 12, 2010 -vi-

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Apples of Gold

Radio Script for February 12, 2010

“Before You Read First and Second Peter”


Hello, I’m Doug Apple…with Apples of Gold.

If you just sit down and start reading First and Second Peter in the Bible, you won’t get the full effect.

It helps to know all about the author before you begin, so let’s take just a moment and learn more about the extraordinary life of Simon Peter.

Simon was the brother of Andrew, and they were both fishermen from the city of
Bethsaida in Galilee.  Andrew was a disciple of John the Baptist, and he was there when John the Baptist looked at Jesus and said, “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.”

So Andrew became a follower of Christ, and the first thing he did was go tell his brother Simon, “We have found the Messiah.” 

Andrew brought his brother to Jesus, and Jesus looked at him and said, “You are Simon, the son of John.  You shall be called Cephas.”  Cephas means Peter which means a rock or a stone.  So it was Jesus who gave Simon the name Peter.

One day Jesus told Peter to go out in his fishing boat and let down the nets.  Peter was reluctant because they had just fished all night and caught nothing, but he did it and they caught more fish than their nets could handle.

Peter was deeply moved by this miracle and he fell at Jesus’ feet and said, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!”  But Jesus said to him, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will catch men.”

At that point Jesus and his brother Andrew left everything and followed Jesus.

Shortly thereafter Jesus did another miracle in Peter’s life – He healed his mother-in-law. 

One interesting note:  Matthew, Mark and Luke all list Jesus’ 12 disciples, and every time, Peter is listed first.

When Jesus went to raise Jairus’ daughter from the dead, He only allowed three disciples to join Him, and one was Peter.

Peter saw Jesus walking on water, then tried it himself.  It worked at first, but then he sank.  Jesus caught him and said, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”

It wasn’t the last time Jesus chastised Peter.  Once Peter said, “Explain the parable to us,” and Jesus said, “Are you still so dull?”

When Jesus predicted that He would suffer and die, Peter said, “Never, Lord!  This shall never happen to you!”  And Jesus said, “Get behind me, Satan!  You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.”

But Peter was committed.  When Jesus’ teaching grew difficult, and many turned away, Jesus said to the Twelve, “Do you also want to go away?”  And Peter said, “Lord, to whom shall we go?  You have the words of eternal life.”

Another time Jesus asked them, “Who do you say that I am?”  And Peter said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”  Then Jesus said that that was revealed to Peter by His Father in heaven, then added, “You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven…”

Peter was present at the transfiguration, when Moses and Elijah showed up to talk to Jesus.  And Peter was enveloped by that cloud from which the voice said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased.  Listen to Him!”

It was Peter who Jesus told to go catch a fish and in its mouth he would find money to pay the temple tax.

It was Peter who asked Jesus how many times he needed to forgive his brother.

It was Peter who said, “We’ve left everything to follow You.  What will there be for us?”

It was Peter, with John, who went to prepare for the Last Supper, and found things just as Jesus told them.

It was Peter that Jesus rebuked when he fell asleep while praying in the Garden of Gethsemane.

It was Peter who leapt to Jesus’ defense, cutting off a man’s ear during the arrest.

It was Peter who said he would lay down his life for Jesus, then Jesus told him that, actually, Peter would deny Him . . . three times.  And it was Peter who, after denying Him, “went outside and wept bitterly.”

On resurrection day, the young man in white inside the empty tomb told the women to “…go, tell His disciples and Peter…”

Peter ran to the tomb with John, went inside and found only the burial cloths.  And the risen Savior appeared specifically to Peter.

Then Peter witnessed another miracle catch of fish as the risen Jesus instructed them from the shore.  And corresponding to the number of times Peter denied Him, Jesus asked him three times, “Simon, do you love me?”  And each time Peter said, “You know that I love You.”

After Jesus’ ascension, Peter became a lead spokesman for the church.  On the Day of Pentecost, it was Peter who spoke to the crowd and 3,000 were saved.  He preached of Jesus in Samaria as well as to the Gentiles.  He is the one who dealt with Ananias and Sapphira and Simon the Sorcerer. 

The Lord healed many people through Peter, and raised the dead, and people clamored even to be in his shadow when he walked past.  In Jesus’ name Peter raised such a ruckus that he was arrested more than once.  He was even flogged, but his attitude was, “We will obey God rather than men.”  Once he was imprisoned and scheduled for execution, but an angel came and set him free.

In one exciting 15 day period, a relatively new Christian named Paul came to Jerusalem and stayed with Peter.  And Paul later had to rebuke Peter for letting some his old Jewish ways sneak into his Christianity.

After all this, all the ups and downs, all the excitement of seeing the Lord work in astounding ways; after the low point of denying Jesus, and the high point of being filled with His Spirit and leading thousands to Christ – after all this, Peter sat down to write. 

And now you are ready to read what he wrote. 

Now you can dig into those two powerful books, First and Second Peter.


E-mail me:

May God bless you today!  With Apples of Gold…I’m Doug Apple.

© 2010 The Arrow’s Tip 
 To subscribe to your own daily “Apples of Gold” e-mail, write
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If you have trouble reaching me at my main e-mail address, try this one:

(Proverbs 25:11 – “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.”)

Why “The Arrow’s Tip”?  Each morning, after diligently seeking the Lord, I write Apples of Gold.  Then before I release it to the public I pray one final prayer, “Lord, send forth your arrows.”  I envision Apples of Gold as arrows, tips dipped in the river of the water of life that flows from the throne of God (Rev. 22:1), sailing toward the hearts and minds of men and women around the world.

Doug Apple
General Manager - Wave 94
Christian Radio for
PO Box 4105
Tallahassee, FL  32315
(850) 926-8000


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Simple Message of the Cross - Apples of Gold - February 10, 2010 -vi-

Click here to listen to the radio version.   

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Apples of Gold

Radio Script for February 10, 2010

“The Simple Message of the Cross”


Hello, I’m Doug Apple…with Apples of Gold.

If Christianity has a brand logo, it’s the cross.

It’s a simple design, and popular; and it shows up everywhere.

In fact, it’s so ubiquitous it can lose its power to move us.

Yes, the symbol of the cross should move us.  It’s a sobering reminder of the cost of our sin and the price Jesus paid for our forgiveness.

The basic story is quite simple.  Jesus was sentenced to be crucified, so they nailed Him to a cross.

While on the cross, Jesus bled, both from the nail wounds and from the wounds He received from the soldiers beforehand. 

Then He died on the cross, and His body was taken down. 

The goal of the Romans was to simply kill Him, just like they had killed so many others on crosses.

But the difference about this cross was who was hanging on it – the Son of God.

Why was He there?

Look at Colossians 1:21.  It describes people as “alienated from God” and enemies in their minds because of their evil behavior.  Basically, our sin created a big gap between us and God.  There was simply no bringing us together – sinful people and a holy God.

Then God made a move to reconcile us.  What does reconcile mean?  It means to bring into harmony, to settle, to make compatible.  And I like this definition, which is the first definition in my dictionary.  It says that reconcile means “to make friendly again.”

God was going to reconcile our alienated relationship and make us friendly again.

Back to Colossians 1, and here’s where the cross comes in.  It says God reconciled us to Himself through Jesus’ blood which was shed on the cross.

Verse 22 says, “But now He has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in His sight, without blemish and free from accusation.”

That’s what happened on the cross, Jesus shed His blood and died.  And through that, God reconciled us to Himself.  He made us friendly again.

5:10 says it this way, “…when we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to Him through the death of His Son…”

Jesus died on the cross.  And it’s also important that He shed His blood on the cross.  Why is the blood important?  Because without the shedding of blood, there is no remission or forgiveness, as it says in Hebrews 9:22.

When we take communion, the Lord’s Supper, this is what we commemorate – the death of His body and the shedding of His blood on the cross.  As Jesus said beforehand, in Matthew 26:28, “For this is my blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.”

Ephesians 2:16 talks about our reconciliation and the cross.  It says we were reconciled to God “…in one body through the cross…”

This is the simple gospel, the simple message of the cross.  Jesus shed His blood and died on the cross so that we could be reconciled to God. 

Yes, some people think it’s just some old religious fairy tale.  They don’t get it.  It boggles their mind that anyone can believe such tripe.  But millions do believe it, and their lives are changed.  They completely understand and relate to the idea of “being made friendly again” with God.

There is a line between the two groups of people, and we see it described in First Corinthians 1:18.  It says, “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”

We don’t need to flower up the story.  We don’t need to embellish it or make it any more grand than it is.  No matter what we do, some will still think it’s ridiculous.  And others, even when it’s presented in stark simplicity, will receive the message with all its life changing power!

Paul said that Christ sent him to preach the gospel, “not with words of human wisdom, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power.”

So let’s not empty the cross of Christ of its power.  Let’s just tell the story as it is, and watch God work.

And the story is this.  God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, into the world, where He was crucified on a cross, shed His blood, and died. 

And through that, God reconciled us to Himself.

We don’t need to be alienated from God, or enemies any longer.

Instead, we can be friendly with God again.

And it all comes down to the simple message of the cross.


E-mail me:

May God bless you today!  With Apples of Gold…I’m Doug Apple.

© 2010 The Arrow’s Tip 
 To subscribe to your own daily “Apples of Gold” e-mail, write
If you want to be removed from this e-mail list, simply click reply and type UNSUBSCRIBE on the subject line.
If you want to catch “Apples of Gold” in its original audio format, go to
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(Proverbs 25:11 – “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.”)

Why “The Arrow’s Tip”?  Each morning, after diligently seeking the Lord, I write Apples of Gold.  Then before I release it to the public I pray one final prayer, “Lord, send forth your arrows.”  I envision Apples of Gold as arrows, tips dipped in the river of the water of life that flows from the throne of God (Rev. 22:1), sailing toward the hearts and minds of men and women around the world.

Doug Apple
General Manager - Wave 94
Christian Radio for
PO Box 4105
Tallahassee, FL  32315
(850) 926-8000


Tuesday, February 09, 2010

You'll Find In Tallahassee Just What You're Looking For - Apples of Gold - February 9, 2010 -vi-

Click here to listen to the radio version.   

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Apples of Gold

Radio Script for February 9, 2010

“You’ll Find In Tallahassee Just What You’re Looking For”


Hello, I’m Doug Apple…with Apples of Gold.

A young man was moving to Florida to start a new life.

He wanted to get away from the old gang, so we had a little talk.

I said, “You’ll find in Tallahassee just what you are looking for.  If you come seeking a new life with the Lord, you will find it.  But if you come looking for party friends just like you had up north, then that’s exactly what you’ll get.”

See, we tend to find just what we are looking for.

Jesus said, “…seek and you will find…” 

But the question is, what are you seeking?

I have lived in Tallahassee for a few years now and guess what?  I don’t know a single person who sells marijuana.  But I guarantee you that thousands of people have moved to Tallahassee and quickly found a drug dealer, because he who seeks finds.

If you’re looking for excuses to leave your spouse, you’ll find them.  But if you’re looking for reasons to stay, that’s what you’ll find.

We tend to find just what we’re looking for, so we need to take control of the situation.

Do you know how many pearls I own?  Exactly none.  I have never in my life found a good deal on a beautiful pearl, and I’m sure you know why.  Because I have never looked for one.

In Matthew 13 we read about a merchant who was “seeking beautiful pearls.”  Do you think he found them?  Of course he did, because what we look for, we tend to find.  Verse 46 says he “found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.”

Now you may recognize that story as being one of Jesus’ parables.  Here it is, in its entirety, all one sentence worth.  “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.”

Like I said, we tend to find just what we’re looking for, so we need to take control of the situation.  That’s exactly what that merchant did, and look what it got him!  He was hyper-focused on seeking beautiful pearls, and when he found the “pearl of great price,” he sold all he had to get it.

We’ve all heard of athletes who were hyper-focused on their sport, or business people who were hyper-focused on becoming millionaires.  They controlled what they were seeking, which controlled what they found.

Well if we pretty much find what we seek, what should we be seeking?

Well first and foremost, we need to be seeking the Lord.  We need to be hyper-focused on seeking Him.

Hebrews 11:6 says, “…He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”

That’s what I want to be, one of those who diligently seek Him.

Jeremiah 29:13 says, “…you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.”

Psalm 63:1 describes the great passion with which we should seek the Lord.  It says, “O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water.”

I like Psalm 105:4, “Seek the Lord…seek His face evermore.”

First Chronicles 16:11 says, “…seek His face always.”

Most of us know Second Chronicles 7:14, which includes this powerful phrase, “…pray and seek My face…”

Now let me warn you, there will be a price to pay if you want to seek God with all your heart. 

Remember the merchant?  Yes, he found the pearl of great price, but it cost him dearly.

And seeking God, passionately pursuing the Lord, will cost you.  Some things must be shed to streamline yourself for the King. 

But there is good news!  God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him!

Jesus said when you seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, then “all these things shall be added unto you.”

Lamentations 3:25 says the Lord is good to those who seek Him.

Psalm 34:10 says, “The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing.”

So here’s the point.  We tend to find just what we are looking for, so we need to take a close look at our lives and ask, “What am I looking for?”

Like the merchant in the parable, we need to take control of it, to proactively decide, “This is what I’m looking for,” then go for it.

And there is no greater thing to go for than to diligently seek the Lord.


E-mail me:

May God bless you today!  With Apples of Gold…I’m Doug Apple.

© 2010 The Arrow’s Tip 
 To subscribe to your own daily “Apples of Gold” e-mail, write
If you want to be removed from this e-mail list, simply click reply and type UNSUBSCRIBE on the subject line.
If you want to catch “Apples of Gold” in its original audio format, go to
To search through the large archive of past articles, go here:
If you have trouble reaching me at my main e-mail address, try this one:

(Proverbs 25:11 – “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.”)

Why “The Arrow’s Tip”?  Each morning, after diligently seeking the Lord, I write Apples of Gold.  Then before I release it to the public I pray one final prayer, “Lord, send forth your arrows.”  I envision Apples of Gold as arrows, tips dipped in the river of the water of life that flows from the throne of God (Rev. 22:1), sailing toward the hearts and minds of men and women around the world.

Doug Apple
General Manager - Wave 94
Christian Radio for
PO Box 4105
Tallahassee, FL  32315
(850) 926-8000


Monday, February 08, 2010

Where Can You Find Your Peace of Mind? - Apples of Gold - February 8, 2010 -vi-

Click here to listen to the radio version.   

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Apples of Gold

Radio Script for February 8, 2010

“Where Can You Find Your Peace of Mind?”


Hello, I’m Doug Apple…with Apples of Gold.

“All I want is to have my peace of mind.”

That’s the kind of stuff we cranked up on our 8-track players back in the 70’s.

Boston was a popular group with me and my friends, but we weren’t too worried about our peace of mind.  We were young and indestructible and, for the most part, foolish.

But then we got married and had children and bills and businesses – and all of a sudden peace of mind sounded pretty good.  The question is, how do you get it?

What if we asked everyone across America, “How do you get your peace of mind?”  I wonder what they would say.

Tons of people would say, “From antidepressants.”  CNN reported that antidepressants were the most prescribed drugs in the United States.

As one commentator said, “Instead of working on our problems, we just take pills to feel better about them.”

We may take pills.  We may take vacations.  We may just go shopping.  We can do all kinds of things, but where can we find a real, lasting peace of mind?

I think we find the answer in Romans 8:6.  It says, “…the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace…”

We will find true peace of mind, as we submit our mind to the Holy Spirit .

Here’s one way to look at it.  The more of God we have in our mind, the more peace we will have in our mind.

I like what the old King James says in Isaiah 26:3, “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee…”

Do you want perfect peace of mind?  Then fix your mind on God.

I know, I know, that sounds all nice and spiritual, but what does it look like in real life?

Well first of all, remember that if you are a Christian, a real born again believer, then the Holy Spirit lives inside you.  So the key is to somehow yield our minds to the Holy Spirit.

So how do I do that in real life? 

The first thing I do is pray.  When something comes along that begins to rob my peace of mind, I pray. 

Simply talking to God is a great way to get your mind back to where it belongs, “stayed on Thee.”  I can’t tell you how many times I have literally felt an instant calm, peace in the storm, just by turning to the Lord in prayer.

Philippians 4:6-7 describes this transaction.  It says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Did you catch that last part?  The peace of God will guard your mind.

Listen, that is not the phony peace of antidepressants or alcohol or any other worldly pursuit.  That is the peace of God, and it’s the real thing.

So that’s the first thing I do when I need peace of mind.  I pray. 

The second thing I do is submit my mind to God.  I pray, “Lord, I want my thoughts to be Your thoughts.  I want to think Your way, not my way.  I need Your wisdom and insight.  I submit my mind to be led by Your Holy Spirit.”

Led by the Spirit?  Isn’t that a little hyper-spiritual?  Is that some kind of whacky new Bible translation?

No, it’s right there in the old King James, in Romans 8:14.  It says, “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.”

That’s what I want.  I want my mind to be led, to be controlled by the Spirit of God.  As I yield my thoughts to Him, I will find the peace of mind I’m looking for.

And now the next step toward peace of mind.  I get out the Bible and meditate on the Word of God.  I meditate on God’s ways, His precepts and His statutes, even His mighty deeds of old.  The Word builds your faith; it stirs up the Spirit inside you, the peace-giving Spirit of God.

And finally, I don’t just get my peace, then go back to whatever I was doing.  Instead I surrender my life to God, fulltime.  I surrender it all to Him. 

In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus told us what to do instead of living in anxiety.  He said to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.

Now let’s review.  Here are the steps I take to find true peace of mind. 

I pray.

Then I submit my mind to God.

I meditate on His Word.

And I seek first His kingdom and His righteousness.

Yes, people try a lot of things, but this is the path to take if you want God’s very real peace of mind.


E-mail me:

May God bless you today!  With Apples of Gold…I’m Doug Apple.

© 2010 The Arrow’s Tip 
 To subscribe to your own daily “Apples of Gold” e-mail, write
If you want to be removed from this e-mail list, simply click reply and type UNSUBSCRIBE on the subject line.
If you want to catch “Apples of Gold” in its original audio format, go to
To search through the large archive of past articles, go here:
If you have trouble reaching me at my main e-mail address, try this one:

(Proverbs 25:11 – “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.”)

Why “The Arrow’s Tip”?  Each morning, after diligently seeking the Lord, I write Apples of Gold.  Then before I release it to the public I pray one final prayer, “Lord, send forth your arrows.”  I envision Apples of Gold as arrows, tips dipped in the river of the water of life that flows from the throne of God (Rev. 22:1), sailing toward the hearts and minds of men and women around the world.

Doug Apple
General Manager - Wave 94
Christian Radio for
PO Box 4105
Tallahassee, FL  32315
(850) 926-8000


Friday, February 05, 2010

Whatever You Do, You Are an Example - Apples of Gold - February 5, 2010 -vi-

Click here to listen to the radio version.   

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Apples of Gold

Radio Script for February 5, 2010

“Whatever You Do, You Are an Example”


Hello, I’m Doug Apple…with Apples of Gold.

I was in a huge rush after church.

Back then I was the marketing director for a bank, and the bank had a float in a parade.  I produced the bank’s newsletter, and I wanted a photo of the float for the next edition.  I told them I would take the pictures myself, so I was committed.

But now I was running late.  I couldn’t bear the thought of telling them I didn’t get the pictures, so all I could do was drive as fast as I could.

Of course parades mean free candy, so my young son and his little friend wanted to go.  They were busy goofing off in the back seat while I was hitting the gas in the front.

All of a sudden my son’s friend shouted from the back seat, “Wow, your dad’s going 70 miles an hour!”

“Oh,”  I said, shocked.  And I immediately slowed down.

But at that rate I was going to be late, so when the boys were sufficiently preoccupied I applied a little more pressure to the gas pedal.

And wouldn’t you know it, the same little voice piped up, “Wow, look how fast your dad’s going!”

Oh my goodness, what is this kid, the town crier? 

Well it all boiled down to this.  Yes, I wanted to get to the parade on time, but more importantly I wanted to set a good, law-abiding example for the boys.  So I backed off the speed and kept it there.  And I made it to the parade on time anyway; photos were taken, candy was collected, and everyone was happy.

Now do you see my motivation?  Do you see what my decision finally hinged on?  It was my awareness that at that moment I was setting an example. 

And you know what?  We are always setting an example.

Back in the 90’s, Charles Barkley was one of the top players in the NBA.  He was a bit of a trouble maker, and people put pressure on him to clean up his act.  They told him his behavior was influencing young people. 

He reacted strongly against that pressure and famously declared, “I am not a role model.”

Well the truth of the matter is, we are all role models.  We all set an example for everyone else.

It is important that we keep that in mind, and that we think about the big picture.

For example, I know it is important how I treat my wife because it sets an example for every other husband out there.  And it really doesn’t matter if I treat her well or treat her poorly, I’m still setting an example.

At work, my work ethic sets an example.  Do I work hard or goof off? 

I told my daughter the other day, “There are two important things to keep in mind.  First, you need to work hard.  And second, you need to look like you’re working hard.”

Who cares how it looks as long as you are working hard? 

Well let’s say you come in at midnight and work for five hours, but no one knows it.  Then each afternoon you just sit at your desk for five hours and smoke cigarettes.  Yes, you might be getting the same amount of work done, but the example you are setting is terrible. 

So setting a good example means you do the right thing, and people see you do the right thing.

Yes, there’s a fine line between letting people see your good example and being proud or showing off, but it’s not hard to tell the difference.

The Apostle Paul wasn’t shy about letting people see his example.  In First Corinthians 11:1 he flat out declared, “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.”

“But Doug, I don’t want the pressure.  I’ll never tell people to follow my example.”

Well the pressure is there already, and someone is going to follow your example whether you want them to or not.  So be aware of it and crank up your example.  And like Paul said, you can set a good example by following the example of Christ.

First Thessalonians 1:7 includes this little phrase, “…you became examples to all…”

First Peter 5:3 tells the church elders to be “examples to the flock.”

Titus 2:7 says, “In everything set them an example by doing what is good.”

And I especially like the King James Version of First Timothy 4:12, “…be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.”

God wants us to be good examples to everyone around us.  What we do, what we say, even how we react . . . it matters.  It affects people.  People learn how to behave in certain situations by observing how other people behave in those situations.

So add this to your decision-making arsenal. 

When the kid pipes up in the back seat, when you’re put on the spot and you have to make a decision, one thing to keep in mind is that, whatever you do, you are an example.


E-mail me:

May God bless you today!  With Apples of Gold…I’m Doug Apple.

© 2010 The Arrow’s Tip 
 To subscribe to your own daily “Apples of Gold” e-mail, write
If you want to be removed from this e-mail list, simply click reply and type UNSUBSCRIBE on the subject line.
If you want to catch “Apples of Gold” in its original audio format, go to
To search through the large archive of past articles, go here:
If you have trouble reaching me at my main e-mail address, try this one:

(Proverbs 25:11 – “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.”)

Why “The Arrow’s Tip”?  Each morning, after diligently seeking the Lord, I write Apples of Gold.  Then before I release it to the public I pray one final prayer, “Lord, send forth your arrows.”  I envision Apples of Gold as arrows, tips dipped in the river of the water of life that flows from the throne of God (Rev. 22:1), sailing toward the hearts and minds of men and women around the world.

Doug Apple
General Manager - Wave 94
Christian Radio for
PO Box 4105
Tallahassee, FL  32315
(850) 926-8000


Thursday, February 04, 2010

At a Dead End? Search Out the Matter - Apples of Gold - February 4, 2010 -vi-

Click here to listen to the radio version.   

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Apples of Gold

Radio Script for February 4, 2010

“At a Dead End?  Search Out the Matter”


Hello, I’m Doug Apple…with Apples of Gold.

A friend of mine videotaped my daughter’s wedding.

I told him, “Just capture the footage, lots of footage, then I will edit it myself later.”

Now I don’t know why I’m using words like “videotape” and “footage” because there was no tape, and no footage.  It was all digital.

He borrowed a nice HD Sony camera from someone, and he gave up most of his Saturday to shoot the video.  That night he gave me the camera and said he needed to hurry up and return it.

So I moved the video files from the camera to an external hard drive and returned the camera.  Then I tried to watch the videos on my computer, and they wouldn’t open.  Not a good sign.

The Sony camera had created .mts files, which is a special kind of file that you apparently can’t just pop open and play on your computer.

Great.  Now what?

What would you do in that situation? 

Well, I have a nice video editing program on my computer, so I figured I could just use it to watch the wedding, but it didn’t work.  So now what? 

Now it’s time to get on the internet and “search out the matter.”

The internet is a great place to do research, if you can find reliable sources

Some sources said I needed to convert the .mts files to something else, so I finally found a conversion program that would do the job.  But it was very slow.

It took me several hours to convert all the videos, then I decided to burn a test DVD.

And it looked cruddy.  Great.  All that work for nothing.  We used a Sony HD camera, but the result looked like something from a camera made by Crayola.

Well I was not going to spend hours and hours editing her wedding video just have it come out cruddy, so it was back to the drawing board, back to more internet research.

Ah, another helpful tip.  I can download the videos right into iMovie, at their original quality, but I need to use a “FireWire.”

Great!  I have a FireWire right here! 

But it turned out to be the wrong size, so I needed to either buy one or borrow one.  I drove around Tallahassee.  I sent out text messages.  I tweeted, and I still couldn’t get my hands on what I needed.

So I went back home and did even more research. 

Ah, another tip.  Just use a little feature called “import camera archive.”

So I did, and there it was!  My daughter’s wedding, in the pristine digital glory that I expected all along.

Now, do you see how that worked?  I started out with no idea what to do, not a clue.  But I began “searching out the matter.”  I dug deeper and deeper, got input from one person, then another. 

At different points I thought I had the answer, only to realize I didn’t.  Then I found something that worked, but not that well.  I could have settled for “not that well” but decided to keep searching until I had fully “searched out the matter.”

And that’s today’s lesson.  It’s the lesson of “searching out the matter.” 

You’ll find it in Proverbs 25:2.  It says, “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter.”

I don’t know exactly what King Solomon was thinking when he wrote that proverb, but I do know that there is a certain glory to searching out a matter.

I met a young man this week who said he wants to have a national TV program.  In the last couple of years he has built up a popular cable show, and he said he wants to go national.

But get this.  He doesn’t know how.  However, he has the drive and determination to search out the matter.  At some point he is going to make the leap.  He’ll go from not knowing how to knowing how, and it will come as he diligently searches out the matter.

Now how about you?  Are you standing at a dead end?  Do you have goals and dreams?  Do you even feel like God has given you a vision, but you have no idea how to do it?

Well don’t just stand there waiting for someone to help you.  Make a move, and here is where you can start.

You can start by heeding the words of Proverbs 25:2. 

Get determined, dig in, and begin searching out the matter.


E-mail me:

May God bless you today!  With Apples of Gold…I’m Doug Apple.

© 2010 The Arrow’s Tip 
 To subscribe to your own daily “Apples of Gold” e-mail, write
If you want to be removed from this e-mail list, simply click reply and type UNSUBSCRIBE on the subject line.
If you want to catch “Apples of Gold” in its original audio format, go to
To search through the large archive of past articles, go here:
If you have trouble reaching me at my main e-mail address, try this one:

(Proverbs 25:11 – “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.”)

Why “The Arrow’s Tip”?  Each morning, after diligently seeking the Lord, I write Apples of Gold.  Then before I release it to the public I pray one final prayer, “Lord, send forth your arrows.”  I envision Apples of Gold as arrows, tips dipped in the river of the water of life that flows from the throne of God (Rev. 22:1), sailing toward the hearts and minds of men and women around the world.

Doug Apple
General Manager - Wave 94
Christian Radio for
PO Box 4105
Tallahassee, FL  32315
(850) 926-8000


Wednesday, February 03, 2010

How To Never Fail In Life - Apples of Gold - February 3, 2010 -vi-

Click here to listen to the radio version.   

Click here to search the AOG archives.

Apples of Gold

Radio Script for February 3, 2010

“How To Never Fail In Life”


Hello, I’m Doug Apple…with Apples of Gold.

How would you like to join a team that never loses?

How would you like to invest in a business that always makes a fantastic profit?

Well I want you to really meditate on these three words in First Corinthians 13:8.

“Love never fails.”

So the more we love, the less we fail, because love never fails.

Now maybe the word “love” sounds weak to you, like cupids and hearts and silly little Valentines.

But how does “never fail” sound?  Does that sound weak?

To me that sounds powerful!  “Never fail” is the team I want to be on.

Love never fails, so the degree to which I love is the degree to which I don’t fail.

Love doesn’t make you a doormat.  Love makes you a powerhouse!

Love is a juggernaut that overpowers everything in its way.

Love is fearless.  Like it says in First John 4:18, “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear…”

So you want to be fearless?  Then let love permeate your life.

“Well Doug, I just don’t feel it, man.  I don’t feel all that love you’re talking about.”

Romans 5:5 says, “…God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us.”

As Christians, we have the Holy Spirit living inside of us, God’s Holy Spirit.  And through the Holy Spirit inside of us, God pours out His love into our hearts.  That’s why love is a fruit of the Spirit, as it says in Galatians 5:22.

So God’s love is there, in our heart.  We just have to put off the old man, this hard old crusty shell that keeps His love from coming out. 

In this world we learn to put on a crusty exterior just to keep from getting crushed.  But now we don’t need it because we have something far better, far more able to protect us, and that is love.

Ephesians 5:2 says to “…live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us…”

First Corinthians
16:14 says, “Do everything in love.”

Romans 13:10 says, “…love is the fulfillment of the law.”

First Peter 4:8 says, “Above all, love each other deeply…”

First Peter 1:22 says, “…love one another deeply, from the heart…”

Over and over Jesus taught us to love people, including our enemies.  And He set the example by laying down His life.

He gave up His life for us, and told us in John 15:12, “Love each other as I have loved you.”

James 2:8 says this is the “royal law…love your neighbor as yourself…”

Now listen to this.  Do you want to never fail in any relationship?  Then love them.

Every person you look at, every person you encounter is someone you love.

Whenever you are dealing with someone, you should say to yourself, “This is someone I love.”

It’s hard to lash out when this is someone I love.

It’s hard to be racist when this is someone I love.

It’s hard to steal when this is someone I love.

It’s hard to hold a grudge when this is someone I love.

It’s hard to cheat with a man’s wife when he is someone I love.

It’s hard to be quiet about the gospel when this is someone I love.

“But Doug, I don’t know where to begin.  I’m just not the lovey-dovey type.”

Okay, start small.  You don’t have to make any grand world-beating claims.  Start with the people who end up standing right there in front of you.  Just look at their face and think, “This is someone I love.  I will deal with them as if they are someone I love, because they are.”

When you do this, you will feel the power of love grow within you.

Martin Luther said a powerful thing in his 95 theses.  In number 44 he wrote, “…by works of love, love grows and a man becomes a better man…”

So just start.  Start loving people one step at a time.

And watch as defeats become victories, as depressing situations become victorious situations. 

You will begin to walk from victory to victory as love works its way through your life.

So get on the winning team! 

Come to the side of love and learn how to never fail in life because like it says in First Corinthians 13:8, “Love never fails.


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May God bless you today!  With Apples of Gold…I’m Doug Apple.

© 2010 The Arrow’s Tip 
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(Proverbs 25:11 – “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.”)

Why “The Arrow’s Tip”?  Each morning, after diligently seeking the Lord, I write Apples of Gold.  Then before I release it to the public I pray one final prayer, “Lord, send forth your arrows.”  I envision Apples of Gold as arrows, tips dipped in the river of the water of life that flows from the throne of God (Rev. 22:1), sailing toward the hearts and minds of men and women around the world.

Doug Apple
General Manager - Wave 94
Christian Radio for
PO Box 4105
Tallahassee, FL  32315
(850) 926-8000
