Thursday, February 16, 2017

They That Turn Many to Righteousness

I’m Doug Apple...and my heart is on fire!  (Luke 24:32)

So today I’m red hot on this verse fragment, from Daniel 12:3.

It says, “...they that turn many to righteousness...”

That’s what I want to be!

I want to be one of those people who help “turn many to righteousness.”

There is a righteousness, and it is God’s righteousness.

There is no shadow of turning in God’s righteousness.

It is not as shifting sand, but it is solid as a rock.

It does not change with the wind, or with our ever-shifting culture.

There is a righteousness, solid as a rock.

It is God’s righteousness, and I want to help “turn many to righteousness.”

I want to point people to God’s ways, His principles, His statutes, His precepts, His laws.

I want to say, “Hey, look, here is God’s righteousness, in all its beauty and splendor and power.

Let’s live like this!  Let’s live in God’s boundaries, by His principles, according to His ways and no other!

Whatever path we are on, let’s reset the GPS and turn toward God’s righteousness.

When we come to a fork in the road, let’s always take the road that leads to more and more of God’s righteousness, no matter the cost.

Let’s not take the road of compromise, or of the world, or of sin, or even of ease and laziness and cheap grace.

But let’s run hard and fast and with the zeal of the Lord, straight into the brilliant light of God’s amazing righteousness!

I hope this word causes your heart to burn within you today.

Daniel 12:3, “...they that turn many to righteousness...”

God bless you, today.

I’m Doug Apple.

1 comment:

Russ said...

Living in God's righteousness is more than living within boundaries and precepts. Righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus (Romans 3:22). Turning many to righteousness I think is pointing them to the gospel. Thanks for the devo Doug!